Monday, June 5, 2017

Hello There~ Daybook Post #1

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It's been a looooong time since I posted a Daybook post. I actually can't even remember when I did one last. After a few busy months, I realized I need time to slow done and just take a moment to reflect and appreciate all that God has given me. So my goal is to post a daybook post every Monday, of course we'll see if I can make it happen.

Outside my Window~
Clouds and more clouds. We have been having an exceptionally cool spring with lots of rain. We have had a few sunny days..thank goodness. Just when you can't take any more rain and dreariness, the sun comes out and shines for just a little bit. Yesterday was beautiful, but today it is gray and gloomy. At least the rain will be good for the garden.

What I'm Working On~
Cleaning out the house again. They kids ave finally agreed to part with some outgrown toys. We are donated all the goodies to our church's yard sale that will benefit our new rectory. Our rectory was completed last month and it now has to be furnished, since we just received the announcement that we will be a parish in July. We will have our own priest! It has been a long time coming. 

What I'm Thankful For~
my family
our new priest
finally becoming a parish
our garden
my beautiful flowers
good friends to have a cup of tea with
my amazing kids 

What I Am Reading~
The Good Earth by Pearl 

I actually just finished this book. This was a pick for our homeschool groups book club for moms. I can't attend the meeting this month, but I still read the book. I'll admit I read it years ago in high school or college (can't remember which one). I remembered the main idea of the book but sadly didn't remember much else of the story. I'm glad I reread it. I think I got a lot more out of it this time around. It did get me thinking though. It today's world we have women fighting for certain rights (free birth control, abortion rights, etc) that have no real meaning. Reading this book made me realize that so many women today still face real discrimination or inequality like O-lan, Lotus, Pearl Blossom, or any of the female character in this book. It's sad to think we still have women in this world that do not have a say in their life and how they will live. Forced marriages, aborted because they are female, female genital mutilation, marriages where men can beat there wives and children, children being sold into the sex trade. The list goes on and on.  It's scary that we still have situations like these. It sad that here in the United States, women are fighting for free birth control, when other women around the world are fighting for their lives. What does it say about us as a society? Where are our values at? What has happened to our morals? I pray to our Blessed Mother that one day these things will change.

From Our Schoolroom~
We are done! Well actually, we are done most of our subjects. The kids will work through the summer on math. We also have a few products we are reviewing that we will work on during the summer too. One I'm really excited about is a study about the Wonders of the World! Stay tuned I can't

What's Coming Up For the Week~
Monday~ Boxing up stuff for the yard sale
Tuesday~ It's my birthday!
Wednesday~ I'm going to get a mani and a pedi
Thursday~  A visit from my parents (and we get to dog sit for a week)
Friday~ Mini golf with our homeschool group
Saturday~ Church's yard sale
Sunday~ Mass and swimming with the cousins (if it's not raining)

A Picture From Our Week~

Till Next Time,

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