Thursday, June 1, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~ Yellowstone National Park ~ Day 2

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Day two of tour of Yellowstone National Park has us heading in through the East Gate. During our visit to Yellowstone, we are staying in West Yellowstone, Montana. A new state to add to our journey!

On our second day in the park, we visited Old Faithful!

We only had to wait a few minutes before the geyser went off. The kids got an up close and personal spot on the boardwalk. 

While near Old Faithful, we did take a quick peak into the Old Faithful Inn. The inn was built in 1903! It was constructed from local wood and stone from the area. It's considered the largest wooden structure in the world.

We walk along the boardwalk around the Black Sand Basin. We saw the Emerald Pool, the Rainbow Pool, and Sunset Lake.

After walking the boardwalk, we stopped for a picnic lunch. You'll never guess what cam by for a visit while we were eating....two bison.

and then we met up with them again

a Yellowstone traffic jam!

We had a fun filled day full of adventure. 
Stay tuned for more of Day 2!

Till Next Time,

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