Thursday, June 8, 2017

Traveling Thursday~ Yellowstone National Park Day 2 Continued...

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Cross Country Trip

Welcome back to day 2 of our Yellowstone trip. Day 2 was a long day and we saw a lot. After lunch, we started heading towards the Northwest entrance. Along the way, we saw just a few more things.

The landscape is impressive here. As you drive through the park you can;t help but think about the God and all that he created. The variety of is stunning. You can see mountains, trees, lakes,wild animals. It truly is a breathtaking place to visit.

When we entered Mammoth Hot Springs, we saw a herd of elk just hanging around town. They were resting on the grass. The park rangers were busy trying to keep people away. They seemed very docile at lounged about, but they could quickly jump up and attack.

Of course while we were there we had to go through the original gate. The North Gate is the only gate that is opened year round. The North Gate is famous for the Roosevelt Arch. The arch was dedicated on April 24, 1903 by President Theodore Roosevelt.

As we headed home for the day, we were lucky to come across a herd of elk. It was mating season while we were there, so we were able to see two males fighting over some female elks. The fight wasn't quite far. It was an older and larger elk against a young male. Needless to say, the older elk won.

The chase begins....

The proud victor!

We were greeted with beautiful sunset as we left the park.

Till Next Time,

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