Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ UnLock Pre-Algebra

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Just when I was ready to pull out my hair (out of pure frustration) over math, we were offered a WONDERFUL opportunity to review UnLock Pre-Algebra from UnLock Math. Michael jumped at the chance to give this program a try. I am so thankful we did! My hair is thankful too. I'd either be bald or all gray if this program hadn't come along and I have to admit I really like my long curly hair!
UnLock Math
So What is UnLock Math?

UnLock Math is a complete math curriculum. It can be used all on its own as a full curriculum or it can be used just a supplement for students who may need a little more help. They offer upper level math programs for middle school and high school students. UnLock Math offers students a chance to learn Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. 
homeschool math curriculum
Unlock Math has some wonderful features for students. Each student will have their own personalized dashboard where they view their progress, access reports, and find their lessons. The program has wonderful instructional videos and allows students to have access to unlimited practice. It truly is a program that can unlock your students math potential!
UnLock Math pre-algebra
How Did We Use UnLock Pre-Algebra?

For this review, we received a one year subscription to Pre-Algebra from UnLock Math. A one year subscription cost $299.00  for one student. Siblings receive a 50% off discount on their program. Michael was eager to jump in and get started. We replaced his math curriculum with this program to see how it would work out. I was hoping it would work for us! We really needed a math program that was challenging, not boring, and not too tedious.

UnLock Pre-Algebra contains 16 units.

  • Unit 1~Whole Numbers
  • Unit 2~ Integers
  • Unit 3~ Variables & Expressions
  • Unit 4~ Rational Numbers
  • Unit 5~ Fractions
  • Unit 6~ Equations
  • Unit 7~ Inequalities
  • Unit 8~ The Coordinate Plane
  • Unit 9~ Decimals
  • Unit 10~ Percents
  • Unit 11~Polynomials 
  • Unit 12~ Triangles
  • Unit 13~ 2D Geometry
  • Unit 14~ 3D Geometry
  • Unit 15~ Analyzing Data
  • Unit 16~ Probability & Statistics

UnLock Math
Each unit is broken up into lessons. Lessons start off with a warm up math question. After completing the warm up question, students will view the instructional video. Once the video is over, students will then work through the practice problems. The practice problem section has multiple problems so the student can practice the new math concept being taught. Following the practice section, students will then work on a few problems in the stay sharp section. As an added bonus, the lesson closes with a challenge yourself section. 

UnLock Math
Each lesson contains reference notes that can be viewed online or printed out. We chose to print them out and place them in a binder for Michael. I wanted him to have some notes that he could look back over, especially if he is struggling with a new concept. 
The Units contain the lessons, quizzes, and a test. The course also has a midterm and a final exam. Of course, we haven't reached that section yet.
UnLock Math
What We Thought About Pre-Algebra from UnLock Math?

We are only in Unit 3, so we still have quite a few lessons to complete, but so far we both are enjoying the program.

Here is my take on the program.......

  • No stress~ Less gray hair for this mama
  • Everything is there and ready to go~ No lost textbooks or notebooks
  • Easy for the student to use~ Little to no help needed from parents
  • Easy to log in and create an account
  • Grades are tracked and updated daily
  • Students know how they stand in the course
  • great for parents who are not as strong in the higher level math courses
  • AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING customer service~ Matthew from Unlock Math was on the ball! He was very helpful when we had an issue and he responded to my email within 20 minutes! He even commented on how well Michael was doing in the course. He took the time to look him up. What a wonderful way to add a personalized touch.
  • Immediate feedback & access to a teacher
  • Teachers Gradebook is a little tricky to navigate~ I feel like I have to click too many links to find what I am looking for
  • Students reports and grades are not easy to find and read
  • Price~ It seems a little expensive to me for only one child. A regular math textbook program can be reused by another student making it cost effective.

Here is Michael's thoughts about UnLock Pre-Algebra course.......

  • Less stress
  • No longer dreads doing math~ it no longer takes him 2-3 hours to finish since he's no longer bored out of his mind
  • Instructor is easy to understand and explains the information clearly
  • Easy to log in and get started on the correct lesson
  • Likes how he can keep track of how he is doing in the course
  • Variable letters are written to small and hard to figure out at times (Seriously, this was his only complaint)
UnLock Math
UnLock Math offers parents and students a variety of complete math programs.

their newest program
UnLock Geometry

Want to give UnLock Math a try?
Click HERE and you'll receive $50 of an annual purchase!

Be sure to stop by and see the other great course the crew reviewed!

Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry {UnLock Math Reviews}
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Till Next Time,

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