Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ An Overview of the 20th Century from A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks

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Over the past few weeks, Michael and Therese have been working through An Overview of the 20th Century from A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks. They have discovered famous people, important events, and battles fought from the 20th century! This was a perfect addition to our history curriculum.

A Journey Through Learning
A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks is a company created by two homeschooling moms. Paula Winget and Nancy Fileccia discussed the lack of good quality resources for homeschoolers over dinner one night. Their conversation lead to the creation of A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks. Their company now offers homeschooling families a variety of resources on a wide range of topics. They have lapbooks that cover stand alone topics (history, art, music, geography), curriculum lapbooks for Classical Conversations, Apologia's Science, 4-H), unit studies, copywork, and notebooking pages. They have a wonderful selection and truly offer homeschooling families a wonderful resource!

Overview of 20th Century Lapbook with Study Guide

For this review, we received a download version of the lapbook An Overview of the 20th Century. Parents have an option to buy an instant download for $8.00 or a printed book for $18.00. This lapbook guide is recommended for students in 2nd-7th grade.

History Lapbooks

An Overview of the 20th Century Learning Lapbook and Study Guide from A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks covers a wide selection of topics from the 20th century.
  • Henry Ford
  • Panama canal
  • Suffrage
  • The Wright Brothers
  • World War 1
  • Charles Lindbergh 
  • Roaring 20's
  • The Great Depression
  • Hoover Dam 
  • World War 2
  • Propaganda
  • Life in the 50's
  • The Cold War
  • Civil Rights
  • First Man on the Moon
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Vietnam War
  • Persian Gulf War
  • Y2K
  • 20th Century Technology 

Students will learn about these topics and a few more. Each booklet the students works on comes with a full page of information about the particular topic.So for example, if the students are creating a matchbook about The Wright Brothers, they will have a full page to read all about these famous brothers. Of course additional reading materials are suggested for even more studies. 

Hands-On Learning

A Journey Through Learning

History Lapbook

The project page gives instructions on how to create the book for the lapbook and even has a diagram to show students were to place it in the lapbooks. No confusion. Simple and easy!

20th Century American History

The lapbook offers a variety of hands-on learning. Students will create booklets, complete puzzles, fill in a few blanks, answer questions, try new recipes, label maps, and have opportunities to draw a few works of art.

In addition to the lapbook, the students are given a few more ideas for even more learning!  Students can keep track of the books they have read with the book log. A worksheet is included on writing a biography book report.

A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks

 To help with note taking and book reports, the study guide includes a NICK note taking worksheet and a worksheet with an outline. These pages are great for students who are learning the importance of good note taking skills or students who may need some additional my two!

A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks

The study guide also has narration worksheets included for younger and older students. This is a great way to check and see if your students are retaining information they read or if they understand what they have read.
A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks

American History

 Another worksheet included in the study guide is a page to help students write a report about the wars they learned about. This is a worksheet my kids will definitely be using once we reach the wars of the 20th century.
A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks

So What Did We Think of An Overview of the 20th Century Lapbook?

So far, we have enjoyed working through the lapbook. We have used it at a slower pace since we are working through the projects as we cover them in our history class. These small, yet simple projects, add an extra bit of learning to the kids lessons. I think they help  Michael and Therese learn a little more and even learn something new we may not have talked about in class. The hands-on learning helps with boredom and gives them something fun to do with their history lessons.
The lapbook and study guide comes with all the information you will need. A complete list of supplies is provided and very detailed instructions on how to create and put your lapbook together are included.
Homeschool Hands-On Learning

Younger students will need assistance (moms may chose to prepare the lapbook before hand), but older students should be able to work through it on their own with very little help or no help at all. I actually chose to put together the file folders for me kids. I wanted things ready to go for their use. When creating your lapbooks, students and parents may chose to place all the books in the folders at one time and then cover the material. Another option, the one we chose to do, is to create the books and place them in the folders as they go over the topics.  

My only complaint about the lapbook is that they have nothing mentioning the Korean War. With grandparents that fought in this war, I feel that this is an important war for my kids to learn about. I'll probably create small book to add to their lapbooks for this war. Otherthan that we have really enjoyed working through this lapbook and study guide. I'm sure your kids will too!

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The other crew members reviewed a few of the other products offered from A Journey Through Learning. Stop by and see what they thought about The Greatest Inventors, Apologia Elementary Science Lapbooks, Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Junior Activity Book, and the Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Activity Book.
Lapbooks for Classical Conversations, Apologia, Inventors & 20th Century {A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks Reviews}

Till Next Time,

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