Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Georgia Cookie Candy

While studying the state of Georgia, I came  across a recipe for Georgia Cookie Candy from Paula Deen.
We finally  got around to making them!
Well, I guess I should say Princess P made them.
I collected all the ingredients and set them on the table to start and she informed me she wanted to do it herself! I can read the directions and I don't need any help.
This is a wonderful recipe for kids to make since it doesn't require the use of a stove.

1 cup butter, 2 sticks, softened
1 cup of crunchy peanut butter (you can use creamy)
3 cups confectioner's sugar
1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chip

Line a 13X9 pan with foil.
Mix the peanut butter, butter, and powdered sugar. Mix until a ball forms. Press the peanut butter mixture into the pan. Smooth out until it looks nice.
Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave for about 1 minute. Remove and stir until creamy.
Spread evenly over the peanut butter cookie layer.
Chill for several hours.

When ready to serve, allow the candy to come to room temp and cut into pieces.

Eat and Enjoy!!!

Tastes yummy!

Linking with.... 


My kids love science, so I was very excited to be offered this wonderful opportunity!

Science4Us provides interactive science lessons  for kindergarten through second grade students; and I have been invited to try it out for a month in exchange for a candid review! My review will be my own opinion based on our experience doing science at home. Check back in to find out what I think of the Science4Us K-2 science curriculum.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Bucket List 2013

Another school year has come to an end. At least for most of our subjects.
We will continue to work on Math and reading everyday.
This summer we have no real plans for a vacation, so we will planning a few fun days here around the area.

Here is what we hope to do this summer...

Dolphin Lapbook and Unit Study for Princess P

Volcano Lapbook and Unit Study for Lego Man

Collect our first eggs from the girls.

Attend Vacation Bible School

Swim, Swim, and Swim

Visit the local animal park

Visit the Grandparents

Visit the Impressionist display at our local museum

Go fishing

Start our skirt business

Have a yard sale

Plan and finalize all the details for our co-op

Attend the County Fair

Catch another pig at the fair (Princess P)

Linking up with....

Friday, June 21, 2013

Our United States Scrapbook~ Georgia

"Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation"

source~ Wikipedia

Georgia State Flag coloring page

The Peach State

Peach coloring page

source~ Wikipedia

Legend of the Cherokee Rose

When gold was found in Georgia, the United States government forgot the treaties it had made with the Cherokee. They drove the Cherokee to Oklahoma. many Cherokee died during their journey west. This journey is called the Trail of Tears. The mothers of the Cherokee were grieving and crying. They were unable to protect and help their children survive this long, terrible journey. The elders of the tribe prayed for a sign that would lift the mother's spirit to give them strength during their journey. God, looking down from heaven, decided to honor the brave Cherokee. As the blood of the braves and the tears of the maidens fell to the ground, he turned them into stone in the shape of the Cherokee Rose.
The next day a beautiful rose started to grow where each of the mother's tears had fallen. The rose was white for their tears. The center was gold to represent the gold taken from the Cherokee lands. There are seven leaves on each stem for the seven Cherokee clans.
The wild Cherokee Rose grows along the route of the Trail of Tears into eastern Oklahoma today. 
The Cherokee Rose represents the pain and suffering the Cherokee people had to endure.
You can read more about here.

Cherokee Rose coloring page
Cherokee Chief coloring page
Cherokee Nation coloring page

State Crop~ Peanuts

Peanut coloring page
Peanut Plant labeled coloring page

Source~ Wikipedia

Craft and lesson ideas for George Washington Carver can be found here
George Washington Carver lesson idea

Books We Used

 P is for Peach: A Georgia Alphabet

Lesson Guide from Sleeping Bear Press.

Making your own peanut butter

Alton Brown recipe

Here is another recipe from one of my favorite sites for canning information and jelly making!
Pick Your Own

Recipes to try

Peach Crumb Pie

Peach Mug Pie

Georgia Cookie Candy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up

In my life this week.... Relaxing but busy. Soccer, choir, co-op, and violin are over. We are now at home a little more. We did go away and visit family. We celebrated my great uncle's 99th birthday. We spent the day with my grandfather, who just turned 92! We visited my mom and dad. The kids had fun spending time with their grandparents. We are planning on going back up in July. While back home, we visited my old parish. It was built in 1898.  The kids loved the stain glass windows and thought the Stations of the Cross plaques were beautiful. They said they would like them to be in our church. They were able to see what a high altar looks like in person. The Mass was not like I remembered. It was a little too relaxed for me. The altar servers where talking on the altar and not really paying attention, which I found disturbing. The choir director stood on the altar and that seemed distracting to me. It made you forget why we were there. The most heartbreaking abuse I saw was the amount of people that left right after communion. I just want to scream..."You can't give Jesus an hour of your time!"

After coming back from my parent's house, we got chickens.

So we have been getting used to chickens.

We have been training our dog not to eat the chickens!

In our homeschool this week....we did our end of the year testing. We do the CAT test from Seton. The kids are glad to have it done and out of the way. Now we will be doing our fun learning.

What I am working on....weeding the garden and flower beds. We have been rearranging the flower beds too. Trying to make them more pleasing to the eye. I am also researching flowers for our Mary garden. We are working on our chicken coop, so our girls will have their own little space. Right now, they are living in Princess P's playhouse. The kids and I have been working on de-cluttering and trying to get on a routine so that the house will stay clean....wishful thinking on my part.

What I am reading.....I checked out every book our library had on chickens. I am almost finished with the books. A city girl like me had a lot to learn. I checked out books on raising goats too. We are debating getting goats too.

What the kids are reading..... Lego Man is reading a book about a World War II soldier. I can't remember the name of the book. He finished Pinocchio, so he is now enjoying his free read.
He has to read 1 classic book  for ever fluff book he reads. Sometimes he has to read 2 classics to read a book of his choice. It depends on how well he did with the classic.
Princess P is reading through our collection of Berenstain Bear books.

They were favorites of mine as a child!

How we have been spending our summer days.... Riding bikes, taking walks, flying kites, talking to chickens, spending time with friends and family. I love when life slows down!

What I am praying for......Our country and the direction it is going. My children and what the future holds. My grandfather whose dementia is getting worse. His body is slowly giving out and I am realizing that he will not be around forever. This is hard for the little girl that still resides within me.

What Princess P is praying for.....a baby! She has been asking for a baby sister and baby brother for months now. Maybe God will hear her prayers. I would always love a sweet little baby to hold again. Sadly, my babies are too big to cuddle on my lap now.

Linking up with....The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up7 Quick TakesFriendship FridayNo Ordinary Blog Hop, Friday Flash Blog, Homeschool Review, and Live and Learn

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~

round button chicken

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter


My rose bush is blooming!

Last year, my rose bush was a little pathetic. Not this year. It has tripled in size and is flourishing where we planted.

I have no idea what type of rose it is. It was a gift from my mother.

I love the color!


Two weeks ago, we ventured into owning chickens. YES,CHICKENS!
Many people that I grew up with are pleasantly surprised by this new adventure.
No one can imagine me owning chickens. I guess city gals can change!
We bought 6 chickens form a lovely couple, who own a farm, in a neighboring town.

We bought 3 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Barred Rock.
We now have Merida, Scarlet, Pepper, Goldie, Sunshine, and Amber.

Surprisingly, I have learned each one already. They each have a different personality. It does help that a few have slight physical characteristics that once you look at them long enough, you'll notice.
They are getting use to being around us and Merida has even eaten out of my hand.
The cats are stalking them but the chickens are holding their own. 


Funny, but so funny. This past weekend, Princess P was riding her bike and the chain broke.

This is the bike she got for her birthday 2 months ago, so the fact that it broke isn't funny. However, her face and her constant complaining about how she will have "NOTHING TO DO NOW" was quite funny. I didn't realize that she was so deprived. I guess I should be thankful that she wants to ride her bike and be outside in the fresh air instead of in front of the TV.
So we headed off to Walmart to exchange the bike. Since we were still within the 90 days Walmart was willing to exchange it. Of course they didn't have the same bike, so she had to find a new one. Sadly most of them were Moster High bikes, which we weren't going to buy.
So here is her new bike!

Mama thinks it's kinda ugly, but I'm not the one riding it.


We got our new CCM books in the mail!

I love this time of year. School is mostly done and I am busy planning for the upcoming year. I love the idea of a new fresh start. There is always so much excitement when a new year is being planned.  I get excited about all the new and fun projects will be doing next year!
My biggest problem is trying t
o scale back on the book list. I seem to want everything I see. There are so many wonderful books I want to expose my kids too, but sadly there is only so much time and money!

Linking up with....

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The City of Pompeii

For history, we are currently learning about the Ancient Roman empire. 
During our study, we read about the the city of Pompeii.



Reading about Pompeii peaked the kids interest. We were able to tour the city of Pompeii online.

photo source: wikipedia

This site had wonderful pictures of the present city of Pompeii. It provides you with a brief history of the city, including archaeologist find and restoration!

A wonderful site for children about the city of Pompeii can be found here.
Another children's page on Ancient Rome and Pompeii can be found at this site.

The Magic Tree House site has free resources for teachers.
Greek and Roman God Matching Game Worksheet has kids match up the Greek and Roman gods.
Latin Isn't Dead Worksheet Shows kids how Latin played an important role in our language

A Day in Pompeii lesson guide can be found at the Museum Victoria.

If you are teaching a co-op class or have a large family, a play about Pompeii for kids can be found at Educational Musicals.

Learning about Mt. Vesuvius and the city of Pompeii made Lego Man eager to create a volcano.
He brought out his volcano making kit he received as a gift for his birthday.
The kids had a blast creating the volcano and then activating it.

If you don't have a kit, you can find directions on how make you own baking soda volcano here.
