Thursday, June 20, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~

round button chicken

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter


My rose bush is blooming!

Last year, my rose bush was a little pathetic. Not this year. It has tripled in size and is flourishing where we planted.

I have no idea what type of rose it is. It was a gift from my mother.

I love the color!


Two weeks ago, we ventured into owning chickens. YES,CHICKENS!
Many people that I grew up with are pleasantly surprised by this new adventure.
No one can imagine me owning chickens. I guess city gals can change!
We bought 6 chickens form a lovely couple, who own a farm, in a neighboring town.

We bought 3 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Barred Rock.
We now have Merida, Scarlet, Pepper, Goldie, Sunshine, and Amber.

Surprisingly, I have learned each one already. They each have a different personality. It does help that a few have slight physical characteristics that once you look at them long enough, you'll notice.
They are getting use to being around us and Merida has even eaten out of my hand.
The cats are stalking them but the chickens are holding their own. 


Funny, but so funny. This past weekend, Princess P was riding her bike and the chain broke.

This is the bike she got for her birthday 2 months ago, so the fact that it broke isn't funny. However, her face and her constant complaining about how she will have "NOTHING TO DO NOW" was quite funny. I didn't realize that she was so deprived. I guess I should be thankful that she wants to ride her bike and be outside in the fresh air instead of in front of the TV.
So we headed off to Walmart to exchange the bike. Since we were still within the 90 days Walmart was willing to exchange it. Of course they didn't have the same bike, so she had to find a new one. Sadly most of them were Moster High bikes, which we weren't going to buy.
So here is her new bike!

Mama thinks it's kinda ugly, but I'm not the one riding it.


We got our new CCM books in the mail!

I love this time of year. School is mostly done and I am busy planning for the upcoming year. I love the idea of a new fresh start. There is always so much excitement when a new year is being planned.  I get excited about all the new and fun projects will be doing next year!
My biggest problem is trying t
o scale back on the book list. I seem to want everything I see. There are so many wonderful books I want to expose my kids too, but sadly there is only so much time and money!

Linking up with....


  1. I love your roses and chickens:) Glad you could exchange your bike...we had quite a surprise when we found out here in Panama some stores will only exchange for 5 days! Have a wonderful day...thanks for sharing:)

    1. Thanks for stopping by!
      I was pleasantly surprised they were so willing to exchange it. I was thrilled to learn that they have a 90 day return policy.

  2. The roses are gorgeous! How neat that you can tell each chicken from the other. I would love to have my own fresh eggs but live in the city and chickens wouldn't work here. Good that you were able to exchange her bike.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. We are enjoying the chickens and waiting patiently for the eggs to start coming.

  3. I enjoy the excitement of planning for the upcoming year as well! I'm glad you were able to get another bike for your daughter. Enjoy your weekend--and thanks for linking up this week!

