Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Bucket List 2013

Another school year has come to an end. At least for most of our subjects.
We will continue to work on Math and reading everyday.
This summer we have no real plans for a vacation, so we will planning a few fun days here around the area.

Here is what we hope to do this summer...

Dolphin Lapbook and Unit Study for Princess P

Volcano Lapbook and Unit Study for Lego Man

Collect our first eggs from the girls.

Attend Vacation Bible School

Swim, Swim, and Swim

Visit the local animal park

Visit the Grandparents

Visit the Impressionist display at our local museum

Go fishing

Start our skirt business

Have a yard sale

Plan and finalize all the details for our co-op

Attend the County Fair

Catch another pig at the fair (Princess P)

Linking up with....

