Wednesday, October 16, 2013

{pretty,happy, funny, real}

~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter

round button chicken


Fall has arrived!
The mums have bloomed adding color and beauty to lansdscape. I just love this time of year.
The days have started to cool. The leaves have been changing and thanks to the storm that came through a couple of days ago, the trees look rather bare. It's hard to believe that we are already in the middle of October. I'm still trying to figure out where July and August went. Just yesterday, Lego Man stated that summer went by way too fast. I have to agree with him, but I am looking forward to warmth of the wood stove in a few weeks. We may even have to turn it on next week!

The kids have been having fun playing outside in the cooler temperatures.
They have been playing pioneers. I'm thinking our reading of the Little House in the Big Woods has played a part in least I am hoping.

A handy dandy hat rack.

The black and white cat became a black and white cow.
I love seeing imagination at work.

Riding horses.

Even the cat joined in.

When we returned home from vacation, I found this bright green fellow hanging out on my carrots. At least what used to be my carrots. He had eaten all the green, leafy tops.
He was about an inch and a half long. He was a plump little guy.

After doing some research, I discovered he would turn into a beautiful Black Swallowtail butterfly like these butterflies we saw while on vacation.


A month into school and the school rooms looks like this! It's amazing how quickly a room can become so disorganized. My goal in the next two weeks is to declutter some more and get this house organized. It may be wishful thinking on my part but I am hoping to I can get this done. It never fails when I have my goals planned something always pops up to derail those goals.

Linking up with....

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoyed your post, I love the photos of the butterflies too. School room, I so understand that. It just means a whole lot of learning goes down here!

