Thursday, June 11, 2015

Classically Catholic Memory Gamma Year~ Week 10


Source~ Wikipedia

Oh a traveling we will go! As we continue on our journey through the United States, we are now venturing into the mid western states. I am less familiar with the states. I have only visited Colorado and that was when I was a child.
We labeled our map and the kids continued on with their state coloring pages. 

Need a few more ideas on learning the states. One thing I did was try to order travel brochures from each state. This brings in a lot, I mean a lot, of books and pamphlets for the states. This is a great way for the kids to see the beauty of each state and see what type of land areas each state has. Kansas definitely looks different than Montana.

We did try a post card exchange. If you can find a good group this would be great. Sadly, we had a hard time getting cards from all the states. I eventually gave up. I may try again in a few years.
It would be really nice to travel to each state. RVing anyone? I think it would be a fun and educational way to learn about our great country. There is no better way of learning than seeing it ALL first hand. Of course, that's easier said than done.


The Anima Christi is one of my favorite prayers. I have always loved this prayers. It's simple, yet truly encompasses the meaning behind the Eucharist for me.
For this prayer, we listened along to the CCM Cd. Our chant Cd didn't have this prayer sung. I wish it did. I did find this beautiful version online.


The Anima Christi is a prayer from the 14th century. It is profoundly Christ centered. When praying this prayer, we can focus on the passion of our Lord. We can pray it when we are in need of his strength. It is still often recited after receiving communion.
While learning this prayer, I have encouraged my children to pray it after they return from receiving the Eucharist. I hope it becomes a part of their daily prayer routines.

Well this week, we start the bible verses. For the remaining 9 weeks, we will work on memorizing the bible verses. For each verse, I created a cursive worksheet for them to copy the bible verse. They will write the verse in their copy work notebook. We will recite the verse daily. By the end of the 2 week period, they should have it memorized.

Great Words~
The Declaration of Independence
We will be working through this for the next few weeks. While memorizing this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, we are listening to Thomas Jefferson's America Stories of the Founding Fathers by Robert Weiss.

We listened to this when we were traveling in the car. It is a wonderful production for kids. I really enjoyed listening to it with the kids and I even learned a few things myself.

Now that we are heading into Colonial America and the Revolutionary War, I cheated and used a wonderful resource to help with our learning. History Pockets!!


These two books are wonderful. I love how they can add to a lesson and make the learning fun. The hands on approach is great! The books provide informational pages for the kids. They include maps, a timeline, literature, arts and crafts. I never use all the books, but I always find tons of stuff to do from them.

Multiples of 11

We worked at reciting the multiples and then I put the kids to work on a few worksheets.

Here is a fun game we play that helps with learning multiplication facts. 

Dino-Math Tracks

This week we talked about static and current electricity. To learn more about electricity, we read from our Real Science 4 Kids Physics book. After reading our chapter, we watched a Bill Nye DVD from the library on electricity.

The kids worked on the following worksheets.
Electricity Worksheet from Super Teacher Worksheets
Electricity Word Search

Lego Man created his own mini flashlight using a Altoids mint box. You can find out how to make your own and have fun learning about electricity.

Till next time,

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