Saturday, June 27, 2015

Our Weekly Wrap-Up

Can June really be almost over?
It seems like it was just April and freezing.

Well, this week has been a little hectic for us. We have been out and about EVERY DAY this week.
We have been trying to finish getting things ready for a yard sale on Saturday. Now they are calling for rain, so it will probably be canceled. I was really hoping for a good turn out so I could start ordering the kids school books. I guess we'll wait and see.

This week has been camp week.
Princess P has been doing a girl's choir camp at a nearby church.

She will sing at two Masses this Sunday. She's debating on whether or not she wants to sing a solo. (She decided not to do a solo, maybe next time). I can't wait to hear her sing! She is planning on doing the camp again later on this summer.

Lego Man had a wildlife camp this week. He learned about turtles and snakes.

They went hiking and found animal bones. They kids were able to see some snakes and turtles that have been rescued can't be released back to the wilderness.

He loved it! When princess P and I picked him up that afternoon, he talked non-stop on the ride home. He can't wait to go back next week and learn about Opossums and Raccoon.

One day this week, Mama had TWO whole hours to myself. Yup, TWO whole hours. I can't remember the last time I was by myself for that long without any children. I went shopping! I tried to find a new swimsuit but that was a disaster. The styles and prints this year have been horrible. I found one that was O.K., but the fit was all wrong. I guess I'll live with the one I have already. I did find two cute outfits for summer though.

We finished the week off with a get together with friends. It was so lovely to sit down and share lunch with friends. The kids loved seeing their friends and I enjoyed having adult conversation.

Hope you had a wonderful week!

Till next time,

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  1. Two Whole Hours?? I'm jealous! LOL

    Sounds as though everyone is enjoying their summer so far!

    1. LOL! It's crazy I enjoyed my time alone, but missed my "babies" and couldn't wait to have them back.

