Monday, June 1, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

Happy Monday! I hope y'all had a fun, relaxing weekend. We spent Saturday cleaning off the porch. It was a mess. Between pollen and dirt from the winter, it needed a good scrubbing. On Sunday, we went to Mass. After Mass, we worked in the garden and on the pool. 

As I look out the window....
I see soft gray skies. The temperature has dropped a few degrees. We had been experiencing hot summer days, but today we woke up to more spring like temps. It's funny how we seem to skip spring here. We go from cold days to hot. 

What's for breakfast...
Eggs, bacon, and COFFEE!

I am listening to.....
Sweet Pea chirping up a storm. 

The poor little chick is slowly waiting for another chick to hatch. She has been alone for almost a week now. She is scared of the other chickens and has only bonded with us. She chirps, extremely loudly when she is not being held. It's ear piercing! She will only quiet down when she is sitting on your lap or on your shoulder.

What on the menu for the week....
Sunday...Fried Chicken, Mac n' cheese, salad
Monday....Honey Mustard Chicken, Asparagus, Salad
Tuesday... Hamburgers, Salad, and Deviled Eggs
Wednesday... Chicken Piccata with Green Beans
Thursday... Mango Avocado Chicken Salad   (New Recipe)
Friday....???? Still trying to figure this day out
Saturday...Birthday dinner out

Around the house....
The kids and I are busy cleaning and getting things ready for our yard sale. I encouraged the kids to get rid of some stuff they no longer played with by promising them they will get to keep the money from 10 things they pick to get rid off. They also plan on having a lemonade stand. They are going to sell cookies and lemonade. My little entrepreneurs. 

Things that are making me happy.....
Almost being done with school!!!! Happy dance!

On the to do list...
More purging
Pricing things for the yard sale
Planting more flowers

Sharing a blog post...
Here's a post about showing our kids we love them with the small stuff.

Blog Hopping....
Stop by and visit Patty over at Reasons for Chocolate.

Favorite Photo

Kids learning while having fun!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Till next time,

Linking up with Sandra over at Dairy of a Stay at Home Mom.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the linky love, Monique! I'm so behind on readying blogs...ugh. I look up at my ticker and it says I have 32 more to read. Eek.

    I wish we had a pool. In Texas, the subdivisions have pools (there are also a couple of city pools), but I still wish we had a private one. You know, for more privacy? In fact, while the public school kids are still in session, we are having a little swimming party for the junior high girls in our homeschool group. :)

    Best of luck as you near the very close end of the school year!!

