Tuesday, June 16, 2015

CTC Math Family Plan Review

Recently, we were given the opportunity to try out and review the 12 Month Family Plan from CTC Math. CTC Math is an online math program. The program contains lessons for various grades and math subjects. Pat Murray, a well-renowned Australian math teacher, created the program to help students find their confidence in their math skills. He has already helped thousands of students and now he wants to help yours!

CTCMath Review

When purchasing the online program, you will receive access to all the lessons for all the levels!
  • Kindergarten
  • First to Sixth Grade
  • Basic Math & Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra 1 & Algebra 2
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Pre-Calculus & Calculus 
The program contains over 1300 animated and narrated math lessons. There are over 50,000 interactive questions for students to answer. The program has diagnostic testing for easy placement of students.  The lessons are presented in a friendly step by step way. The lessons are easy to understand and explained in simple easy terms. Perfect for the struggling student or a student that wants to get ahead!

The lessons are are broken up into two sections. The tutorial part of the lesson runs about 4 to 9 minutes. The math concepts are presented in a very straight forward way. 

The tutors voice is clear and crisp. The tutor speaking is a real person, not a computer generated voice. He does have an Australian accent, but I didn't mind hearing him in the back ground as my daughter worked. My daughter found his voice much more pleasant than some of the voices or characters used in other online programs. She said the gentleman's voice wasn't annoying or whinny sounding. It wasn't a dull monotone sound either. 
Each lesson has a lesson summary that can be printed out if the student needs it.

After the brief lesson, the students are given the opportunity to complete the interactive questions. While doing the questions, the students are immediately shown if they have gotten the answer right with a green check mark. 

If they get a 100% on the test they can move on. If they struggle a little or do not pass, they can redo the interactive questions three times. After completing the questions three times, the score is figured out by averaging the three attempted scores. They students can print out a report sheet for the lesson. It includes the problems solved, average score, and their highest score. This would be a great sheet to print out for a binder if you are keeping track of their progress.

The program keeps track of the student's progress. Every time a student attempts a math lesson it is logged in. The results are recorded. This allows parents and students to see where they are doing well and where they are struggling. This enables the students and parents to focus on those areas.
Each week parents will get an email sent directly to their inbox with a link to a progress chart making it easy for parents to stay aware and on top of their child's work.

Our Thoughts on the Program

Overall, Princess P enjoyed using CTC math. She was able to sit down on the couch and work independently on her tablet. She liked how the problems were corrected right away. She was motivated to improve her score when she didn't do so well in a specific area. She would sit and retry the lesson until her three tries were up. She did like how the tutor explained the math concepts. She stated numerous times that she was FINALLY understanding it! I saw a huge jump in her math skills.

We will continue to use CTC Math throughout the summer. When school starts up next year we will add it to her daily math lessons. This is the 3rd online math program we have tried and it is our favorite so far. She asks to do the lesson first thing when school starts. We did take a 2 week break, but we will get back to daily math drills next week. 

I highly recommend this program to parents with students struggling with math. I am hoping this program will help catch Princess P up to her grade level, but more importantly I am hoping this will give her the confidence she needs in math. It may even make her see math as fun!

Want to learn more read some more reviews from the Schoolhouse Review Crew or check out their CTC Math's Facebook page.

CTCmath Review

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Till next time,

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