Tuesday, October 13, 2015

TOS Review for Tuck Everlasting Study Guide from Progeny Press


Today, I am reviewing the Tuck Everlasting Study Guide from Progeny Press. Progeny Press is a Christian Company whose goal is to teach children to think clearly and to look to the Bible for learning how to live their lives with truth and good moral values. Progeny Press wants children to enjoy reading quality literature and more importantly to understand the literature they are reading. Every parents dream! What's the point in reading great literature if you don't understand what you are reading?

Progeny Press Review

The kids and I were thrilled to be reading Tuck Everlasting and even more excited to be using the Tuck Everlasting Study Guide from Progeny Press. I'm not going to share about Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt . I don't want to spoil the story for you. I'm just going to share with you about the wonderful study guide we used!

Progeny Press Review
The Tuck Everlasting study guide is geared for middle school age students, grades 5th through 8th. Tuck Everlasting is suggested for students at a lower level, but the study guide allows students to dig a little deeper into the book.

For this review, we received an E-Guide. This just means that we received a link through email to download the guide to our computer. Super easy and convenient. The study guide is available in a CD version as well. You can even order a printed copy of the study guide for a little more money. 
It just depends on your preference.

The E-Guide was easy to use. Since I had two children that were using the guide, I printed it out for each child. The guide is 54 pages long . An answer key is also included for parents and students. If you want to save money, ink, and paper, you can have your students follow along on their computer. As far as the book went, we just checked it out at the library and read it as a read aloud. Progeny Press does offer the book for sale too. 

The study guide is well laid out and easy for students to follow.  It is intended for students to work through the study guide for about 8 to 10 weeks. The guide gives a brief synopsis of the story and provides some information about the author. Before starting the novel, the guide offers a few suggestions for activities to do before the story is started. For  our pre-reading activity, I had the kids research life and society during the 19th century, It was perfect for the time period we are studying this year. The Tuck Everlasting guide is broken up into sections by blocks of 5 chapters. 

Prologue - Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Epilogue 

For the section of 5 chapters, the study guide provide plenty of "workbook" pages for the students to really get involved in the story. The study guide provides a huge section of vocabulary for each section. This is a great way to add vocabulary and spelling into your day! The guide offers ideas for English...like discovering a story's setting, focusing on similes and metaphors, and descriptive writing. Each section of the study guide offers questions for students to answer about the chapters being covered. They offer opportunities for the students to think about the story and dig a little deeper into the story. 

So what did we think?

It was a wonderful guide that provided excellent opportunities for the kids to really get involved in the story of Winnie. I loved the emphasis on vocabulary. I like when my children are challenged to increase their knowledge. The vocabulary list provided a great list for Michael's weekly spelling words and tests.  I love the in depth learning this study guide had to offer. I do think it's important for kids to read and understand great literature. I don't think we could do this through out the school year. It would be a little too much with all of our other lessons. I will be looking into doing another one (or two) during our winter and summer break. If you follow, a classical homeschooling approach, these guide would be a wonderful addition to your homeschooling!
I do wish they would have offered a few fun activities for the students to do along with the workbook. You all know how we love hands on learning!

Progeny Press offers a variety of study guides from elementary to high school ages. The website is easy to navigate. I know you'll find something that you'll kids will enjoy reading!
Want to learn more about Progeny Press? You can find them on the following social media sites.

Check the other crew reviews for other great study guides from Progeny Press.....Just click on the graphic below.

Progeny Press Review

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