Monday, May 2, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday~ May 2nd

Good Morning everyone! It's been a long time since I've joined Sandra's Happy Homemaker Monday. So I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Before I get into my Happy Homemaking, I would love to ask you all for prayers for a wonderful, homeschooling family that lost everything in a house fire last week. Many of you may know Lisa from Home to Our 4 Kiddos. Last week, their new house was destroyed by a fire. They lost everything, including their sweet little cat. If you can do more than just pray, I know this loving family could use your help.

A Go Fund Me page has been set up if you able to donate a few dollars for this family to take care of their basic needs right now. 
Another easy way to help them out is shop Lisa's Affiliate page through Amazon. When you browse, shop, and purchase your goods her family will be blessed with a percentage from the sale. It doesn't cost you anything but you will be be helping this family out. It's a win win for everyone!
They have also set up a Facebook page to share prayers and to find out the families immediate needs. If you liked to add your prayers or can help in other ways, you can find on the page. Thank you for keeping them in your prayers.

The weather outside......

was frightful. We had a horrible thunderstorm last night and it was pouring when I woke up this morning. Sheets of rain! Now as I'm sitting her enjoying my morning cup of coffee the sun is shining and it's beautiful out. 

What's for breakfast......

Coffee of course and fresh eggs from our hens.

As I look outside right now......

I see vibrant green leaves on the trees. The last few days of rain and warm weather has made the leaves really pop out. My purple and blue irises are blooming filling the front garden with different hues of blues and purple. 

It adds a beautiful contrast between them and my white azalea bushes. I love spring with all the colors that fill the yard. It's rainbow right here in my yard.

Right now I am.....

Drinking my coffee while the kids eat their breakfast and do their morning chores. I have a very cute doggie resting her head on my lap. It makes it a little difficult to type though.

As I look around the house......

I see baskets of laundry that need to be folded and put away. A dinning room table filled with the kids Biome boxes they've been making for science. Mess after mass. We really need to do a spring cleaning.

What I am working on this week......

Not much this week. We have been on the go that last few weeks, so this week we are getting back to our school work. I am going to try to conquer the mound of laundry downstairs in my laundry room.

On my to do list for today and this week.......

Science co-op is this week. We are going to try and get to the church to weed the flower beds if the rain holds off. I need to weed my flower beds here and get more flowers planted. I love all the colors!

What I'm reading.....

Gardening books and the books we are using next year for school. I am working on preparing lessons for next year, so I guess I should have put that under my to do list for the week.. My goal is to have it done by the end of May.

What's on the menu this week.....

Cat fish is for dinner tonight. They are leftovers from last night. I have no idea for the rest of the week. I guess I better plan that.

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Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

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  1. I love your irises and kitty especially. So sad about the Boyles. I will pass the word also. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you...they are a wonderful family and will appreciate all the prayers coming their way.

  2. Hope you had a great week. I enjoyed meeting you and peeking into your plans for the week. I'm following you now. Come over and visit and follow. I think my HHM link was the first one. Hope to see you again Monday. Happy Mothers Day.
    Hope to see you Monday

