Monday, January 30, 2017

A is for Art~ Blogging Through the Alphabet

For many homeschool parents, art can be a little difficult. A few parents even dislike teaching art. I can't even imagine not doing art in our homeschool. Over the past 9 years, we have used a variety of art lessons and ways to help learn art.

When the kids were little, art was fairly simple. We did a lot of crafts! The crafts often followed the season or holidays....Christmas, Groundhog day, Easter, Fall, Halloween, etc. We played with play-doh, finger painted, did water colors, colored in coloring books, and drew tons of pictures. These projects and pictures were often given to family and friends or used for decorations. Our fridge was always filled. I miss those days when my fridge was mini art exhibit.

As the children got older, we started following a more classical education. I would pick art lessons and artist that went with what we were studying. When we were studying early history, the children practiced their cave drawing with brown paper and brown charcoal. We made paint using eggs and natural pigments. We painted glass and even did our own mosaics.
We learned a lot how art has changed and advanced over the years.

For a few years, I would pick 3 artists for the kids to study. I'd try to find artists from the time period in history we were studying. We would learn about the artists, their style of artwork, learn about their works of art, and then we'd all give them a try!

Once I became a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew, we were given even more great art resources to use and review.

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These resources have added even more opportunities for my kids to learn.
I love seeing their creative side come out.

Art is the one subject in school that there are no wrong answers and no wrong way to do.Mistakes can easily adapted or changed. Art allows children to use their imaginations and make their dreams come to life!

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."
~Edgar Degas

A Net In Time Schooling

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