Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Blogging Through the Alphabet

I wanted to share with you all this fun new blog hop.
I am joining the  Blogging Through the Alphabet blog hop with fellow bloggers from the Homeschool Review Crew. Annette from A Net in Time and Amanda from Hopkins Homeschool are co-hosting this blogging adventure. It's sounds like it will fun, but educational too.

What is Blogging Through the Alphabet?

So each week for 26 weeks, a letter of the alphabet is done. Everyone who is joining in will blog about that particular letter. So for example the first letter of the alphabet is A, everyone would write a post about something that starts with A. For example.....Acorns, Antarctica, Accessories, Acting, Airplanes, Astronauts, Apples, Apostles, etc. It's fairly simple. Pick something you want to write about but the only rule it has to begin with the letter of the week. After A, it will move on to B, after B it will move on to C and so on until the letter Z is reached. 

Random thoughts or topics can be picked or a series can be done. Countries, foods, animals, crafts, etc. Annette suggested people from the Bible and field trip ideas. I thought both these ideas were fantastic.

So if this is something that sounds like fun and you want to join, they loved to have you!
Letter A ready on Tuesday January 17, 2017. The following letters will be on the following Tuesdays.
I hope you join in!

Here are the rules:

1. Linking time is Tuesday to Saturday
2.Family friendly post on a variety of topics (if unsure just ask Annette or Amanda)
3. If it isn't family friendly it will be removed
4.Linking back to A Net in Time or Hopkins Homeschool would be great. You can find the blog button over at A Net in Time.
5. For a hashtag, you can use #abcblogging
6. Visiting other pages and commenting is always a great way to get to know people and it' always fun to stop in and say HI!
7. Have Fun!

If you still have question or just want to know more be sure to stop in and see Annette and Amanda. They have all the info since they are co-hosting this fun blog hop!

A Net In Time Schooling

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 Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

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  1. Sounds fun! Looking fwd to perusing a few of the posts!

    Can we join in and link if we're not on The Crew? It's ok if the answers worries.

    Love your blog design BTW! I've been here bu have not commented since you redid it :)

    1. Anyone can join in! I'd love to see what you share.

    2. You're so sweet...thanks Monique....Looking fwd to your posts!!

