Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Homeschool Crew Review~ Daily Bible Jigsaw Puzzle from Planet 316

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A few weeks ago, I was given an opportunity to review Daily Bible Jigsaw from Planet 316. Daily Bible Jigsaw is a free app, but for this review I was given the 500 coin bundle (a $39.99 value) for free to use with this game. I played the game on my computer by logging into my Facebook account and on my phone by downloading the app from the google play store.
 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316
Daily Bible Jigsaw is a puzzle game from Planet 316. Planet 316 is Christian company. The Planet 316 team wants to help families hear the message of Christ. They have taken a unique approach to this. They have used technology (computer games and apps) and interwoven it with the message of Jesus Christ. The company wants to make the bible available to both the young and old. 
" A joyful heart is good medicine."
Proverbs 17:22
 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316
They offer families a variety of options.
Desktop Games
King Solomon's Word Challenge
Bible Gems: Journey Through Genesis
Super Bible Trivia
Charlie Church Mouse~ Early Elementary
Charlie Church Mouse~ Kindergarten
Charlie Church Mouse~ Preschool 
Charlie Church Mouse 3D Bible Adventures
Educational Videos
Topsy Turvy Show
The Charlie Church Mouse Show
Apps~ Mobile Games
Daily Bible Jigsaw Puzzles
Charlie Church Mouse Bible Adventuress (for kids)
 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316
Daily Bible Jigsaw is a daily puzzle challenge. Players try to complete the puzzles in the quickest amount of time. Players can play with friends. It a lot of fun to try and beat a friends time. I was amazed at how quickly some friends could complete a puzzle. I'd just like to beat 3 minutes! 
The game has new puzzles added daily.
 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316
Players log into the game, select the current day, and solves the puzzle. If you play the current day's puzzle there is no cost. If you miss a day or just want to play a previous month's puzzles, it will cost the player 3 coins for each puzzle. When players solve the puzzle in a timely manner, coins can be awarded. If you solve it too slowly, no coins will be awarded. You can go back and replay a day, but again it will cost you 3 coins. 
Once the player solves the puzzle they can share it to their facebook page.
 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316
What I Thought About Daily Jigsaw Puzzle from Planet 316?
I enjoyed playing the game. 
The pictures were inspiring and often contained images of cute animals and sweet children in the them. Who can't resist a picture of  cute baby or puppy? The puzzles varied in difficulty levels. I found some to be very easy, while a few took me quite awhile to solve. I do wish coins were awarded a little more often. I think if you complete the entire month's puzzles, players should be awarded a few coins for their dedication. 
The only problem I encountered in the beginning was a few puzzles were not saved. I played them and completed them, but when i logged in the next day they weren't not completed. Because of this error, I had to replay them which cost me 3 coins. Not too big of a deal, but if  I had paid for my coins I would be a little upset. I haven't had this issue the last 2 weeks, so it may have been an issue they were aware of and corrected.

 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316

Bible Jigsaw Puzzle is a free app to download. It can be found and played in the following devices.

Read more reviews about Planet 316 and their daily puzzle challenges!

Daily Bible Jigsaw {Planet 316 Reviews}

Till Next Time,

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