Monday, April 10, 2017

A Homeschool Crew Review~ Digital Savvy from CompuScholar, Inc.

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As the kids have gotten older, I've realized that they needed to have computer skills. The courses they need to study are getting more high tech and more involved. I knew we needed to give Digital Savvy from CompuScholar a try!

CompuScholar, Inc.
CompuScholar offers public schools, private schools, and homeschoolers an opportunity to learn computer skills. The program is online, so it's very easy to use! 
CompuScholar offers a variety of courses for students interested in computers.
Courses Offered

Digital Savvy (6th-12th grade)
Web Design (6th-12th grade)
Game Programming with Visual Basics (6th-12th)
Windows Programming (9th-12th)
Java Programming (9th-12th)
Unity Gaming Program (9th-12th)
Android Programming (9th-12th)
CompuScholar's online computer courses are a fantastic addition to your middle or high students transcripts. **This was an added incentive for us. The courses are ready to go, easy to use, and can be done in 1 or 2 semesters. The courses offer daily lessons and hands-on projects to complete. 
Want to learn more about the various courses?
Head on over to CompuScholar's Website for full descriptions.

CompuScholar, Inc. Digital Savvy
For this review, we were given a one year subscription to the self-led Digital Savvy course. A one year subscription for this course is $120. Additional students (siblings) are $40 per student. This is a 2 semester course. It will run about 33 weeks (164 days). If you don't feel comfortable with your computer skills, you can signup for the teacher led Digital Savvy course. This course costs $300 for a year. The do offer monthly plans for the self-led and teacher-led course.
Digital Savvy is a computer skill course that is geared for students in the 6th-12th grades. The course teaches students the basic computing topics and skills.
The course covers.....
Hardware, Software, and Operating systems
Managing Files and Folders
Basic Networking
Online Safety
Computer Security
How to Use Word Processors, Spreadsheets, and Presentation Programs
How to Create Simple Databases
How to Edit Images
How to Use Social Media and Email
An Introduction to Web Design
Simple Computer Programming Concepts
Careers in the Computer World
The course will have students working through daily lessons and completing a hands on project with each chapter.

CompuScholar, Inc.
How We Used Digital Savvy from CompuScholar?

Set for Digital Savvy was easy. I set up the teacher's account on my computer, and then logged each child into their own accounts on their computers. We were recently gifted my father-in-law's old computer, so both kids now have their own computer for schoolwork! This is helpful, since now they can't argue over the computer anymore. 
The teacher's account allows parents or teachers keep track of the lessons completed by the student and the grades they receive on the quizzes and tests.

You can choose between looking at the grade report for each student, a grade history for quizzes, and a single review for each individual lesson quiz. You can also look at and print out a user report which will calculate the students grade for the course. This is perfect for report cards and transcripts!

The kids had their student accounts to log into. Once the student logs in, they are presented with a page with a Digital Savvy logo on it. Students click on the logo and are immediately redirected to the Course Syllabus (or Chapters). The students then click on the appropriate chapter they are working through.

Once the Chapter page opens, students are then given the various lessons to work through. Students have a lesson video and a lesson text to look at. My kids watched the video first and then read the lesson. 

The lesson pages can be printed up if your student would like to create a notebook for review or reference.

After doing both of those things them clicked on the lesson quiz. The lessons are graded immediately for the students. If they did poorly on the test, I had them re-watch the video and reread the lesson. I made it a rule that they must get a 90% or higher to be able to more onto the next lesson in the chapter. The quizzes can be taken 3 times. After the 3rd time, an average of the grades is recorded. 

Digital Savvy is broken up into 25 chapters. Each chapter covers a different topic and is broken up into lessons. Some weeks have 6 lessons, while others may have more or less. Over the past few weeks, the kids have been working on the lessons at their own pace. Some weeks, they have completed 1-2, while others they may have worked ahead. Therese has had to repeat a few lesson since she scored poorly on the quizzes.
What We Think of Digital Savvy from CompuScholar?

Obviously, we have not completed this program yet, since it is a year long course. So far, I have been impressed with the information presented. I am actually looking forward to seeing some of the upcoming lessons. I usually sit beside Therese as she works through the lesson, so I can answer any questions for her (and so I can a learn a little too). 
Michael has been working through the course on his own. He hasn't asked any questions and so far has gotten a 100% on all the quizzes. He says he's enjoying the course. I like the independence he has been given with taking this course. I think he is enjoying ti too! I don't feel like I need to sit down with him and keep him motivated. He is doing that all by himself. 
Digital Savvy is a wonderful online course that will give any young student a great (or better) understanding of computers. It really is a wonderful introduction course into computers. I wish I had taken a course like this when I was in collage. 
I have a feeling that Michael will be asking to take more courses once we complete this one.
Other members of the Crew reviewed Digital Savvy, Web Design, and Java Programming. 
Want to learn more about theses programs and see what the crew had to say about them? 
Click on the link below.

Digital Savvy, Web Design & Java Programming {CompuScholar,Inc Reviews}
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