Tuesday, April 4, 2017

L is for Literature~ Blogging Through the Alphabet

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Thanks for joining me again as I Blog Through the Alphabet along with A Net in Time and Hopkins Homeschool.

L is for Literature

Once we started to homeschool, I knew I wanted the kids to be exposed to wonderful literature. I wanted them to be surrounded by great books, wonderful illustrations, and books that they would cherish years later. We all have that one favorite book from our childhood.
Over the years, we discovered quite a few books we have come to love.

The Little House 
Virginia Lee Burton

(This was Therese's favorite book)

My Great-Aunt Arizona
Gloria Houston

The Three Snow Bears
Jan Brett

Any book by Jan Brett is a great read. We love the stories and the beautiful pictures.

Ludwig Bemelmans

Aesop's Fables

Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak

(This was Michael's favorite book)

The Velveteen Rabbit
Margery Williams

The Little Engine That Could
Watty Piper

(This was a favorite of mine as a child)

Make Way For Ducklings
Robert McCloskey

The Good Humor Man
Kathleen N. Daly

(We had to read this to Michael every night for months)

This is just a few of the books my kids loved when they were younger. We have shelves filled with books and boxes packed away with the books they now cherish. I love how they have learned to enjoy reading. I will admit I miss those days of reading to them and tucking them in. 
They now read every night at bedtime. We often have to tell them to turn off their lights. Michael has even sneaked reading books until late into the night. He just couldn't put the Hobbit down. 
It's hard to scold a child when I often do the same thing.


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  1. Great book recommendations! While we've read most of these, there are still a couple on here I need to check out. Thanks!

  2. What a great list of books! I know we have read half of them, but now I have my library list made for the others we haven't read yet!! :-)

