Friday, April 7, 2017

Classically Catholic Memory Delta Year~ Week 7

South America 

South America Blank Map
Argentina Flag Coloring Page
Argentina Map Labeling/Coloring Page

Since my kids are older, I like to test them on what they have been learning. I guess I'm getting them ready for high school and college!

Test on South American Countries


We are still listening to the Chant Cd for our Latin prayers and hymns. We love this beautiful Cd. Michael likes that they don't sing too high. It make it easier for him to sing along.
You can find out more how we study Latin here.

The Mass

"It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the Holy Mass."
~Padre Pio

While searching for information, I came across this fantastic site that provides an explanation of the requisites. vestments, vessels, and other items from the altar and sanctuary used during Mass. It's a wonderful resource for older children.

Mass Worksheets and Crafts


Anatomy of a Flower Worksheet
Parts of a Flower Worksheet #1 
Parts of a Flower Worksheet #2
Parts of a Flower Craft

The Civil War

This week we continued on with our Civil War lessons. We are still using the Time Travelers Study Guide from Home School in the Woods. We have had a great time working on the projects and  lap book. This week, we added some Catholic history to our learning. I wanted to show the kids that Catholics were a vital part of the Civil War too!

Catholics and the Civil War
Spotlight on Catholics in the Civil War
Onward Catholic Soldiers
New York's "Fighting 69"

Sister Anthony O'Connell
Angel of the Battlefield
Sister Anthony O'Connell (Article with a wonderful Slideshow)

A great book to read is From Slave to Priest: The Inspirational Story of Father Augustine. This a wonderful story about Father Augustine Tolton who was born into a Catholic slave family and went on to become one of the first African-american priests in the United States.

Great Words~
The Gettysburg Address

Lincoln at Gettysburg
Fletcher C. Ransom

We are still working on this beautiful speech. It's amazing to think that a speech that took only a few minutes to deliver would last throughout the years.

 photo logo3.png

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