Monday, June 24, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday! June 24th 2019

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Good morning or should I say good afternoon since it's already 12:30. We had a busy weekend! Therese had her first swim meet, Michael's youth group went on a mission trip for the week, and we're trying to get our new kitty accepted into the fold. A task that is easier said than done. So far, so good!  hope you all enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to the new week ahead!

So on with Happy Homemaker Monday hosted by Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. I love joining in, but life tends to get too busy and I end of missing it. Be sure to join it!

~The Weather~
It's hot and humid here. The sun is out and there are very few clouds in the sky. The bad part is it's only going to get hotter as the week goes on and there's no rain in the forecast. I'll have to remember to water the flowers and tomatoes plants.

Monday~ Sunny 88*
Tuesday~ Partly Cloudy 87*
Wednesday~ Sunny 90*
Thursday~ Partly Cloudy 91*
Friday~ Mostly Sunny 92*
Saturday~ Mostly Sunny 92*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy 88*

~On the To Do List Around the House~
Clean the bathrooms
Organize the pantry
Mop the floors
Catch up on the laundry after out vacation
Organize the school room and clean out some more books

~What I'm Working On~
I'm currently working on completing the paperwork the kid's transcripts. I have 2 more course descriptions for Michael and then I'm done for this year. I'm hoping to start next years course descriptions for both kids. I also need to finish up the lesson plans for next year. I can't believe June is almost over. Why does summer fly by so darn quickly!

~What I'm Reading~

I'm currently reading Sisters Like Us by Susan Mallery. The book is part of the Mischief Bay series. I discovered a few of her other books this past year and have really enjoyed them. This one I found at our local thrift store, so I'll have to see if our library has the other 4!

~Our Menu for the Week~

Leftovers-chicken, fried fish (hubby went fishing), and zucchini

Lemon Chicken with rice

Burgers on the grill, fresh-cut french fries, and salad

Oven fried chicken, home-made mac n' cheese, green beans

Dinner out since Michael will be getting home around dinner time

Michael's pick since he was gone all week

~Looking forward to~
My nail appointment this week. I may even get a pedicure. The sand from the beach and the salt water was little harsh on my last one.
Michael coming home after his week long mission trip. The house just doesn't seem right without him here. I miss seeing his face, even if it's not the cute, little boy full of smiles that used to run and greet me. The teenage years are difficult for us all.

~From the Camera~

Doesn't he have the cutest face? This little guy started coming around a few months ago. Starving, missing hair, wounds from cat fights, and scared to death of us. Then suddenly last week, he feel in love with Therese. The top picture is the second day he didn't his at us. 
Well after a visit to the vet, he's officially a house cat. No health problems, except a wound on his neck we are working on healing up. He's about 2 years old. We'll get him fixed in the next couple of weeks. We don't want to contribute to the feral cat population if he sneaks outside.

I think he likes being a house cat. He's made friends with the dog and one of the cats. The other two are slowly working on their acceptance of him. Thankfully, he can walk around the house. The not so friendly kitties just hiss and walk away. Both girls accepted our last stray, so I know everything will work out in the end.

~Inspiration for the Week~

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Review~ Jump In, 2nd Edition from Writing with Sharon Watson

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No, not more papers! Writing always seems to be the dreaded course around here. Over the years, I've had the kids write a variety of papers, but somehow they still seem to struggle with it. When we were given the opportunity to review Jump In, 2nd Edition from Writing with Sharon Watson, I knew we had to give this product a try. 

Writing with Sharon Watson is a Christian company that focuses on teaching students to write. The company has developed easy-to-use writing and literature courses used by homeschoolers, co-ops, and Christian schools. The company strongly believes in three important points when it comes to students and writing.

1. The student is more important than the material in the book.
2. Teaching writing and literature can be tough.
3. Writing assignments, especially in the beginning, should not be issue driven.

To encourage writing, it should be fun. Topics should be of interest to the student. If they enjoy the topic they are writing about, there should be less stress and fear.

What is Jump In, 2nd Edition?

Jump In, 2nd Edition is a writing course for students in grades 5th- 8th.  The student workbook is student directed which allows students to work through the course rather independently. Small, easy lessons help the students learn how to write. The course contains 98 lessons. The students learn nine types of essays, story writing, poetry, and how to write a research paper. Everything you want covered in a writing curriculum is covered in this course.

In this new 2nd edition, students will get more practice writing paragraphs before they jump in and write essays. They will also learn to ways to write a compare and contrast paper. This is essential for high school and college. How to write a personal narrative is covered too. Proof reading and proper citation is taught as well. 
This course is extremely thorough. It will definitely help students as they head into high school and when they venture off to college.

How Did We Use Jump In, 2nd Edition?

For this review, we received the digital download of the teacher's guide and the student workbook. Parents can also purchase the books in physical form too. I used this course with both Michael and Therese, so an 8th grader and a 9th grader. Therese is the better writer, but she enjoys writing much more. Michael hates to write and on many occasions is feels like I am pulling teeth to get him to write. Do you know that feeling? It's not fun.

The first thing I did was print out the teacher's guide. I hole-punched the pages and placed them in a binder. I just like reading actual papers and books. It really annoy me to read on the computer, especially a teacher's manual. I like to mark pages and write down little notes for reference. I guess you'd say I'm a little old-fashion that way. After I created my teacher's binder, I went to work on reading the guide. I was curious to see what the course had to offer and how it actually worked.

Once I read through the teacher's guide, I printed out the first few lessons in the student workbook. I had both Michael and Therese create a binder for this course. I loved how the first few lessons were more of an introduction. Students were able to "get their feet wet" in the whole writing thing, but not feel overwhelmed immediately at the start of the course.  No complaining or tears! This section encourage both kids to figure out when they like to write, what they like to write about, and how to get started. Every child should be able to find at least one topic they enjoy writing about.

Important writing steps are presented as skills to be learn. They are presented in a clear, concise way. The lesson are short and are easy to understand. Both Michael and Therese were able to read the lessons and work through the pages on their own. They did talk with each other a little bit, but they really didn't have any questions for me.

I loved how the first few lessons encouraged both kids to really look at themselves. The lessons asked the kids to discover what they liked and why. It stressed that they do have an opinion and they need to be able to discuss why they believe or not believe in a certain topic. This is amazing. How often have we heard "because I like it" as a reason. Kids need to know why they have a certain opinion and they need to back it up. This is a great skill to learn for writing, but even more important to learn for every day, real world life. I'm hoping this will help with book reports too. I swear both kids have included, "I liked the book because it was a good book." in every book report they've ever written. This drives me crazy. 
Why did you like the book? 
Give examples! 
This course will help student figure this out, I hope. I'll have to keep you posted on how their papers improve!

What Did We Think of Jump In, 2nd Edition?

So far we have all enjoyed the lessons. We've taken a break for the summer, but both Michael and Therese will start back up with this writing course next fall. The lessons are simple, easy to understand. I can go over the writing lesson and then help the kids apply the skills they learn tho their English Literature or history papers. It's a win-win for everyone! By using this program, I know they will understand the scary world of writing and go on to be better writers!

Discover more about Jump In, 2nd Edition and all the other fantastic courses offered by
Writing with Sharon Watson.


Want to learn more about Jump In, 2nd Edition?
Click below and read what the other crew review team members had to say!

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Friday, June 14, 2019

Beach Time

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Sunshine, a warm breeze, and waves crashing along the shore.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Review~ British Medieval from Hewitt Homeschooling Resources

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Exposing Michael and Therese to great literature has always been important to me. When I saw a new literature and writing course from Hewitt Homeschooling Resources, I knew I wanted a chance to review it with the kids. We were chosen to review the British Medieval high school course.  Having them read works by the great authors was a fantastic way to have them learn a wide variety vocabulary words and learn how to write their own great papers. 

Hewitt Homeschooling Resources is a company that provides homeschooling families with a wide variety of resources o use in their everyday lesson. They offer students from Kindergarten through high school curriculum that focuses on great literature and great composition skills to carry them through life.

What is British Medieval Lightning Lit Set?

For this review, we received a physical copy of the British Medieval Student's Guide and the British Medieval Teacher's Guide. We checked out the first selection, Beowulf, from our local library. 
When ordering, the entire British Medieval Lightning Literature and Composition Pack can be purchased. This set includes the student guide, teacher's guide, and the great works of literature read during this course:Beowulf, Piers the Ploughman, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Canterbury Tales. 

After a very thorough introduction to the course, the student guide is broken up into 4 Units. The introduction explains to the students why we should study read great works of literature, how to read poetry, why it's important to learn how to write well, and how to use the student guide during the course. The four units are broken up into two lessons. The first lesson in the unit deals with one of the four works of literature and its author. 

Unit 1~ Beowulf
Unit 2~ Piers the Ploughman
Unit 3~ Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Unit 4~ The Canterbury Tales

The second lesson usually covers a smaller works of literature and its author. This smaller piece of literature is included in the student guide. 

Each lesson is divided into different sections for the student to work through.

A brief summary of the historical context of the work that is being studied. This will help the student understand the work of literature better.

~Read the Selection~
This is the poem or story that is being taught for that lesson. These selections should be the book length works, not the abridged. 

~Questions to Consider While Reading the Selection~
This is a short list of questions for the student to keep in mind while they read the selection. These questions will help the student work through the literary lesson that will follow.

~Comprehension Questions~
These are short answer or multiple-choice questions that help the student with their understanding of the work. The questions for the books are broken up into chapters. Students can answer the questions after the selected chapters or wait until they have finished the book. For the shorter selections included in the student guide, students can read the until work and then answer the questions. Answers to the questions are included in the teacher's guide for quick and easy access.

~Literary Lessons~
  Each selection has a literary lesson that covers one major topic. Students working through the British Medieval Set will learn about foreshadowing, metaphors, allegories, theater, tone, biographies, and humor. 

~Writing Exercises~
This is the section where the student gets to write! All the writing exercises cover the selection read for that lesson or the literary concept that is being taught. For the book length selections, students should complete at least two writing exercises. For the shorter selections, they should do at least one wiring exercise. Students are given 4 or more writing exercises to chose from. 

These are short articles that students should read at the end of the unit. They offer students a little more insight to the selection by  introducing topics that are important to understanding the time period or selection. Not all the units have a perspective section. 

What Did We Think of British Medieval Lightning Lit and Composition?

My goal for this course was to use it along side of our history curriculum. Our history curriculum is literature based, so both Michael and Therese read a lot of books. I chose the British Medieval set because we were heading into this particular time period with history. We'll go even deeper into this time period next fall when we start back up. Our history curriculum already had a few of this titles listed for them to read, so I just added the other works into our lessons. 
I love combining classes when I can. Read a book, learn some history, answer a few questions, write a paper, and we've taken care of history and English at the same time. Since we were adding this to our current lessons, we've been working through it a little slower. We've been taking longer to read the selection of Beowulf, so neither of the kids have written a paper yet. 

Due to our slower pace and an unforeseen event (Michael heading to the Olympic Training Center for a camp) during the last few weeks, we did get into Unit 1 and the study of Beowulf as far as I would have liked. Sometime we just have to go with the flow of life.
Both Michael and Therese began reading Beowulf and have found it a little different from what they have read so far this year. They do like it better than Shakespeare. Neither one has liked all the comprehension questions, so we decided to do a few questions orally and then do a few in their notebook. I think part of this complaining was because it was getting close to the end of the year. We have officially stopped schooling for this year. The kids will finish reading Beowulf over the next few weeks and then we'll stop and pick up the course again next September. 

The teacher's guide is great! it provides a brief introduction to the course and the student book. There is a wonderful section that explains how to grade and even has a few grading templates that can be used when grading the student's writing assignments. A recommended schedule to follow is included. This is the same one in the student book. The last section of the teacher's guide is all the answers to the questions in the student book.
I loved the additional resources at the back of the student book. There were three appendices. 
Appendix A~ Discussion Question for extension projects
Appendix B~ Additional Reading selections for medieval British literature 
(great for an honors course)
Appendix C~ Schedules 
2 schedules (semester course or full year course)

I was thrilled to see additional ideas to take this course even further. I loved the idea of keeping a vocabulary notebook and a reading journal. Both of these suggestions are a fantastic way to encourage growth in your students literary understanding and writing skills. A fun idea suggested was family movie night. After reading the selection and completing the unit have a fun, family movie night. Try to find a few adaptations of the book, pop some popcorn, and sit back and enjoy.

The course is amazing. It uses a wonderful selection of great, historical living books. The depth achieved in the units brings the literature to life. I know when Michael and Therese finish this course they will have a strong understanding of British Medieval literature. They will be prepared for whatever college and life throws at them.

The crew were given a wide selection of resources to review.

~Elementary ~

~Junior High~
We reviewed this one a few years ago. You can read our review here.

~High School~

Just click below to read more reviews the homeschool crew did for the various resources offered from Hewitt Homeschooling Resources!

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Review~ The Wars of the Jews from Memoria Press

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Studying ancient history is extremely important to use, especially when it pertains to our faith. 
I was thrilled when the kids were given the opportunity to review The Wars of the Jews set from Memoria Press. We were already studying the early life of the Christians, so I felt this would be a fantastic set to add to our studies!

Memoria Press is a leading homeschool curriculum company that provides a variety of resources for families that use the classical Christian approach in their homeschooling journey. They offer a wonderful selection of materials for students of all ages. Families can purchase curriculum by grade, by subject, or by ordering an entire package already created for students. Phonics, spelling, history, Latin, Greek, science, writing, grammar, logic, literature, poetry, art, and music are just a few of the topics covered with the materials provided by Memoria Press. 

For this review, we received a physical copy of The Wars of the Jews set. The set included The Wars of the Jews text, the student guide, and the teacher guide. The set is recommended for students in grades 9 and up. The 3-piece set can be purchased for $34.90. Additional student texts and guides can be purchased individually for families homeschooling more than one student in that grade. 

The Wars of the Jews focuses on the works of Flavius Josephus. His work is considered extremely important to many. His detailed stories of the Jewish history is amazing and considered very valuable. This set from Memoria Press does not cover the entire works of Josephus. There is no way a high school student could cover it all. Instead, this section of his work covers the fall of Jerusalem. It specifically deals with the conflict between the Romans and the Jews.  This section provides readers with key characters and events that take place, as well as the political situation going on at the time. 

The Wars of the Jews text covers Book V, chapters 6 through 13 and Book VI, chapters 1 through 10. The book also contains maps, a few black and white pictures of Jewish landmarks. A few of the places and items pictures are the Wall of Jerusalem, the Arch of Titus in Rome, the Triumph of Titus, and Spoils of Jerusalem. At the back of the book is the endnotes section. 

The student guide provides 10 lessons for the students to work through. Following the 10th lesson is a review lesson. This could easily be used as a quiz or test. Each lesson includes words to know, important quotes for the students to know, and comprehension questions about the material they read in the text. The first lesson does contain a few vocabulary words too. 

The teacher guide is the answer key to the student guide. It also includes the test (in the student guide) and test answer key. 

We've never been disappointed with any of the materials we've used from Memoria Press. I find all their student guides challenging and great for encouraging learning. The Wars of the Jews set was no exception. The text was easy for Michael and Therese to read through. It was rather simple and straight forward. The both read the text (they shared this book) and then work though their own student guide. I purchased a second student guide for Therese to use. I encouraged them to write the vocabulary words and words to know in a separate notebook to help with their memorization. I'm also requiring them to memorize one quote from lessons 1 through 5 and lessons 6 through 10. Two quotes to memorize doesn't seem too much to ask. We're not quite done the book. We've been working through one lesson a week. Right now, my goal is to stop for the year and pick up with our Roman history study next fall. We may have to review the first few weeks next year, but that's O.K.

Over the years, we've used quite a few of the book sets from Memoria Press. We even reviewed a few for the Homeschool Review Crew. You can read all about the curriculum we've reviewed in the past: First Form Latin, 5th Grade Literature Set, Latina Christiana, and Classical Composition

Find out more about the Classical Christian materials offered from Memoria Press!

Be sure to stop by and read the reviews from the rest of the crew. You may find a few new books to add to your homeschool plans next year!

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Be sure to stay on top of all that we have been up to. 
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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wordless Wednesday~ Flowers

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Review~ Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year

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Homeschool Lesson Planning

Hello, there! 
Are your kids on summer break already?
The kids may be on summer break here, but this mama is in full swing with planning for the upcoming school year. I couldn't wait to receive the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner 2019-2020 from The Old Schoolhouse®. This is one of my all time favorite planners! I love planners and love planning the school year even more. I honestly think I enjoy the planning more than the actual teaching!

The Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner 2019-2020 was created by Gena Suarez. It contains everything a homeschooling mama needs~ calendars, forms, lists, charts, and homeschooling advice. I knew I'd love this planner before I ever received it. I had reviewed the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner a few years ago and loved it. I was thrilled when they decided to print it again!

The Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner is 188 pages. It comes with a glossy, card-stock cover. The cover is a beautiful water color floral print. It's absolutely stunning. It actually gives off a sense of peace and tranquility. 

Just a little FYI, The Old Schoolhouse® has already sold 98% of the printed planners. They don't plan on printing anymore of these planners this year. Once they're gone, they're gone. So if you want one, I'd head on over to the site and order your copy today! The cost is $29-$53 each depending on where the planners are shipped.

What's So Special About the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner?

The planner is specifically designed for the homeschooling family. The planner was created by a fellow homeschool mama and it has everything a homeschooling mama needs in a planner. Even more importantly, this planner is much more about just planning the school year. It's about offering advice and love to the homeschool mom throughout the year.

As soon as you open the planner, you'll find a wonderful letter from Gena Suarez. Here she offers advice and guidance. Her goal with this planner is to help make your homeschooling journey more organized and more simplified. More importantly, she wants to help you keep your eyes and heart on what matters most God.
Who doesn't want or need that?

What's in the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner?

2019 Yearly Calendar
2020 Yearly Calendar
2021 Yearly Calendar
Monthly Calendar Pages for July 2019-June 2020
Note Pages for Months July 2019-2020

~Weekly Lesson Planning Pages~
36 weeks
Boxes for 7 subjects
Boxes for up to 5 children

~Planning Pages~
Planning for up to 5 children
~Note pages (2 pages)
~Curriculum Planning
~Attendance Log
~Books Read This Year
~Yearly Goals
~First Semester Goals
~Second Semester Goals

How to create an Academic Transcript
Academic Transcript Form
Checklist and Skills Learned Form
Other Courses Forms

Sprinkled throughout the entire planner are pages filled with advice, words of wisdom, and words to encourage you during the school year. We all know what it's like to get frustrated, depressed, and just plan old down in the dumps. Think January and February when the dreaded time of the year hits. It's cold, snowy, and you're all stuck in the house! Wouldn't it be nice to read a few words that help lift your spirits. A few words that lighten the load and bring a smile to your face. Words that are like little rays of sunlight on a dreary, rainy day!

Why Do I Like the 
Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner So Much?

It has all the important stuff I need. It's not filled with pages of stuff I don't need.  It has the right amount of planning pages, all the forms I need are located in one place, forms that work for a homeschooling family. In the past I've used a variety of other teacher planners and they tend to be filled with pages I don't need. I don't need a student check list for 30 students. I love how simple the layout is.
I have a very detailed planning strategy that I have mastered over the years. When planning for our homeschool year, I make a master lesson plan on the computer for all our subjects. I then print the pages out and store in a binder. From there, I use the lesson print outs to fill in my paper planner. I fill in the paper planner a month at a time. This allow me to make changes along the way. If we get further than planned, fall behind, change curriculum, etc. I then add the lesson and grades to an online planner to help keep track of the students grades and G.P.A. My 3 type of planning works for me. My dear hubby says it's too much, but it works for me. It has for 12 years know.
You know what they say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Well, I'm off to plan some more!
Happy! Planning

Don't forget to read the other reviews from the review crew.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Review~ Life With Dog from Mill Creek Entertainment

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Life with Dog Review

Do you plan movie nights in your house? We do! We love popping some popcorn, curling up on the couch together, and watching a good movie. Recently, Therese and I did just that. The boys were out of town, so we had a few nights of girl time. One of the movies we watched while the boys were away was Life with Dog from Mill Creek Entertainment. We received a copy of the mail to view at home.

Mill Creek Entertainment is one of the leading providers of value-priced DVDs. They offer a wonderful selection of contemporary and classical films, documentaries, TV series, independent films, children's films, early learning and educational films. There movies can be found at a wide range of retailers.

Life with Dog is a story about Joe Bigler. Joe recently lost his wife Alice in a mysterious bike accident. He is left alone to figure out how to grieve. Joe doesn't believe in God and has no faith to help him through this devastating time. Alice's mysterious death, the company buying up the house in his neighborhood, and a mysterious man that lurks around at night causes Joe to have too many unanswered questions. His daughter tries to help him by bring the pastor from his late wife's church, but Joe wants no part of it. His unanswered questions and paranoia lead him down a dark path filled with rage. 
One day a scruffy looking dog wanders into his late wife's rose garden and won't leave. Joe tries various ways to get the dog to go, but he just won't go. Joe finally gives in and name shim Dog. The constant companion of dog gives Joe someone to talk to, share his feelings with, and eventually find peace with. 
Dog's love slowly reveals God's Love.

Life with Dog stars Corbin Bernsen, Marilu Henner, and Chelsey Crisp. The story was written and directed by Corbin Bernsen.  The movie is 106 minutes and not-rated.  I would say the movie would be best for children 12 and up. The movie is a heart-felt story about God's love, faith in God, and the power of forgiveness. The movie will be available for purchase at Walmart on June 6th. Right now, you can pre-order the DVD at Walmart for $11.99.

I love faith-based movies that inspire a person's faith in God to grow. For me this movie had a difficult time getting this message across. I really wanted to love this story about a man who finds faith with the help of a dog. I just felt the movie was strange. I found the plot slightly confusing. It seemed a little too busy to me. Too many questions being thrown in causing the viewers to become confused. The story ended up feeling unrealistic and far-fetched. There were just too many story lines trying to be woven into the plot. I think if they would have focused on one story line and the finding of faith with the help of Dog the movie would have been easier to watch and understand. I had a hard time liking Joe. He was angry, gruff, and someone I would not want to be around. Even at the end of the movie, I still didn't care for his character. 
Dog, on other hand, was the best. He was scruffy looking but had the sweetest eyes. I loved his little mohawk. He was tender and loving, but stubborn at the same time. He was the perfect match for Joe.

Stop in and see what the rest of the crew had to say about Life with Dog!
Just click below.

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