Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ October 31, 2021

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Till Next Time,

Friday, October 29, 2021

Review~ Study Skills/Measurements/Lab Reports/ Graphing from Greg Landry's Homeschool Science

Disclaimer~ I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Good Morning, dear friends! Today I get to share with you another fantastic resource from Greg Landry's Homeschool Science. A few months ago, we reviewed a science course from College Prep Science, now we get to share with you the self-paced online course Study Skills/Measurement/Lab Reports/Graphing.

What is Greg Landry's Homeschool Science?

Greg Landry is a science teacher, a homeschool father, and a former college professor. His passion for science and his dedication to students led him to create s few science courses ten years ago. He wanted to give students confidence in their science abilities so they could succeed in their high school science classes. His development of CollegePrep Science has given homeschool students access to science courses that focus on science inquiry, critical thinking, process reasoning, data collection, and the graphical and written representation of their research. 

The Greg Landry homeschool Science offers students and families a wide variety of classes. 

Live Online Classes for Science and Math

Biology- College Prep
Life Prep Biology
Pre- Chemistry
Chemistry-College Prep
Life Prep Chemistry
Life Prep Physics
Pre Human Anatomy & Physiology
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Marine Science

Algebra 1
Consumer Math

Self-Paced (Recorded) Online Classes

8th-12th Grade
Full Year (2 Semesters)
High School Biology
High School Chemistry
High School Conceptual Physics (basic math)
High School Human Anatomy & Physiology

7th-12th Grade
Half Semester
Exercise & Sports Physiology
Earth & Space Science
Study Skills/ Measurement/Lab Reports/Graphing

4th-7th Grade
Half Semester
Young Scientist Earth & Space Science
Young Scientist Biology
Young Scientist Chemistry
Young Scientist Human Anatomy & Physiology
Young Scientist Physics

Interactive Virtual Science Labs
7th-12th Grade
Biology/Human Anatomy & Physiology

ACT Prep Online Bootcamp

Our Experience with Greg Laundry's Homeschool Science

For this review, we received a 12-month subscription to the Study Skills/Measurements/Lab Reports/Graphing course. This course is part of the self-paced online courses offered by Greg Landry's Homeschool Science. The course is a half-semester class geared for students in 7th through 12th grade. 

The course focuses on improving students' study skills! This is essential for success in all the subjects they will take in school. The students will learn how to study, the proper way to take notes, how to graph, ways to improve their long-term memory, how to take the proper measurements, and how to write out lab reports that are correct.

This course is broken up into 8 classes.

~Introduction Class~
 Instructions and introduction to the course for parents and students

~Class 1~
Taking Notes, Note Sketching, and Studying

Class 2~
Test Taking

Measurement & the Metric System

Class 4~
Temperature & Graphing

Class 5~
The Scientific Method & Lab Reports

Class 6~
Scientific Notation & Magnitude Perspective 

Class 7~
Statistics, Probability, Accuracy, and Precision 

These classes are prerecorded. They are about 20-30 minutes long. The courses are on a platform called, Canvas. My college nephew was familiar with it since some of his online classes were on this same platform. The course was easy to follow. Students can easily work through the course on their own. 

Therese found the course helpful and learned some great note-taking tips!

Check out the other great reviews from the crew!
You'll be able to explore all the other courses offered from
Greg Landry's Homeschool Science!

Till Next Time,

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ October 24, 2021

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Till Next Time,

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ October 17, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Till Next Time,

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ October 10, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you.

Till Next Time,


Thursday, October 7, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Week 3

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Good Morning! I hope you are all having a wonderful week.

This week in class we focused on learning some new things!

Our Saint~ Saint Martin of Tours

"St. Martin Sharing His Coat"
Saint Gatien Cathedral

The kids colored in their picture of Saint Martin of Tours while we read a story about his life.

We read a story about Saint Martin of Tours called, The Sword and the Cape by Pamela Love. The beautifully illustrated story tells the life of Martin and one of the most famous stories of kindness associated with him. The book contains a prayer and some historical information about Saint Martin too. 

We added his picture to our saint board.

Our Virtue~ Charity

Charity is loving God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself. 

Act of Charity Prayer

O my God, I love You above all things, 
with my whole heart and soul, 
because You are all good
and worthy of all my love.
I love my neighbor as myself
for the love of you.
I forgive all who have injured me
and ask pardon of all whom I have injured. 

We talked about ways they can practice the virtue of charity.

Being nice to a new kid at school
Offering to share pencils or crayons 
Helping your parents around the house
Visiting your grandparents
Helping your brother or sister 
Putting a few coins or dollars in the poor box at church
Donating food to the local food bank
Making a card for an elderly person

Week 3 Lesson~ We Pray to and Worship

We talked about God why we need to pray to God and why we need to attend Mass. We talked about the different reasons we can pray to God

For Help
To Thank Him
To Praise Him
To Offer Up Our Suffering for Others
To Ask Him to Help for Others

The list could go on and on!

We talked about how we need to behave when we go to church and visit God's house. We talked about how we need to be respectful of His house and the other people that are there. 
The kids worked on a worksheet about How We Behave in Church. I did find this worksheet for kids that might not be reading, Manners in Church.

After going over how to behave in the church, we headed on over. We practiced blessing ourselves with Holy Water when entered the sanctuary. We practiced going to our pew, genuflecting, and doing the sign of the cross before we enter the pew. We talked about why we should face the tabernacle while doing this. 

After practicing kneeling in the pew, we filed out and completed a church scavenger hunt, so they could learn more about the various items found in the church. 

We filed out of the church and headed back to class to add to our good deeds jar. After the children dropped in their good deeds, we added some glitter, and sang the good deeds song created by my old assistant teacher!

Good deeds, good deeds, they're everywhere
Good deeds, good deeds, from those who care
Good deeds, good deeds, they kinda ...make us smart
Good deeds, good deeds, they come from the HEART!

I love seeing how quickly they learn the song and eagerly join in!

See your next week!

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wordless Wednesday~ Cottage Dreams

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I love cute little cottages! I found this one online and it just called to me.
I could see myself living here as a little old lady just tending my flowers!

Till Next Time,

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ This year we are in the JUNGLE!

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you.

Good morning, dear friends! 
Today I thought I'd share what theme we decided to go with for our classroom this year. 

We're in the Jungle!

A jungle theme is one we haven't done yet, so I thought why not. Therese was the one that suggested it. I think I forgot to mention that she is my aide again this year. I love working with my sweet girl. I can't believe I started teaching when she was just a tiny first grader and now she's looking at colleges!

We're wild about Jesus in first grade this year. Each student has an animal on the door. I wanted to make sure they all felt welcomed. I love when they come to class and start talking about their animal!

I decorated one wall in my classroom to go along with our theme!

Our Bible verse is.....

"I am the Vine, you are the branches."
John 15:5

Our jungle tree is made out of brown shipping paper and green tissue paper. Simple, easy, and not expensive to recreate. 
We're adding colored tissue paper flowers to the tree this week.

Our Prayer Wall

Each student has a hut with the 5 prayers we will be working on throughout the year.
I gave each student a different animal. 
Since I'm on a budget, I simply printed out various coloring pages of animals, and Therese and I colored them in. 

Till Next Time,

Monday, October 4, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ October 4, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Good morning, friends or maybe I should say good afternoon. It's already noon here and I'm just sitting down to type this post out!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had a busy one yet relaxing one at the same time. On Saturday, the kids took the SAT test for the first time. While they were taking their tests, the hubby and I visited a few farmer's markets. We were looking for apples, but I think it still is a little early for the ones we like. We did get some apple butter and my hubby pick up an apple pie for him and my father-in-law. 

While driving around, we saw Border Collie trials for the upcoming National Herding competition that is happening soon. We used to have a Border Collie, so we stopped a while to watch them in action. It always amazes me how seriously they take their job. Some of the dogs had traveled quite a distance to be here. A couple of the dogs were from Texas! Watching them work made me miss my sweet Trigger.

After the test, the kids met us for a late lunch and then we headed home. 

On Sunday, we had Mass and Sunday school. We learned about Mary and the Rosary. After class, we headed home and I worked on a few blog posts and prepared lessons for the week.

Enough about the weekend, let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday. Be sure to drop in a visit a bit with Sandra, our beautiful hostess over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom!

The Weather~

I think fall temps are here to stay. We do have quite a bit of rain in the forecast for the week. That's O.K. though, we need it. It has been rather dry around here lately. 

Monday~Thunderstorms, 80*
Tuesday~ Mostly Cloudy, 75*
Wednesday~ Showers, 68*
Thursday~ Cloudy, 70*
Friday~ Showers, 70*
Saturday~ Showers, 66*
Sunday, Scattered Showers, 70*

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee and a gluten-free English muffin with butter. My stomach has been acting up again, so I'm trying to figure out what I've been eating and drinking to bother it. I was doing really well. 

Looking Around the House~

I need to mop and vacuum the floors. I swear this needs done daily. Oddly, it seems like all the animals are shedding again before they get their winter coats in. 

Sweet Trigger

On the To-Do List This Week~

Plant some mums~ I still need to do this. I was hoping they'd bloom, so I would know what color they were before I planted them. They seem to be taking forever to sprout flowers. 

Get the new hens acclimated to the hen house. We have one hen that is just not accepting them. 

Organize and clean the downstairs pantry

Clean the basement

Clean the master bedroom

Currently Reading~

I just started What I Never Expected by Jennifer Archer. It's a women's novel about love and family!

I started reading The Sweet Taste of Muscadines by Pamela Terry, but had to return it to the library before I could finish it. So now I need to request it again so I can finish it.  Oh well, such is life.

Last week I finished The Last Heartbeat by Katerina Simms, a story about losing it all and finding yourself again, and A Boy and his Dog by Chloe Holiday. This book is about a woman, a retired military K9 dog, and his old handler.  Both of these were for reviews. 

I'd give them all about 3 stars. Not bad books, but definitely not my favorites. 

What the Kids are Reading~

For English, they are reading The Adventures of Happy Jack by Thorton W. Burgess. It's a classic children's book that they are digging deeper into. 

For US history, they are reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.

On the TV~

Outlander Season 4
I gave up on Netflix and rented the DVDs from the library. 

Criminal Minds Season 7

The kids want to rent and watch a bunch of horror movies this month since it's October. They've never really watched any, so they are looking at the classics. 

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Cheeseburger Mac
Tuesday~ Turkey breast, mashed potatoes with gravy, and pies
Wedensday~ Lemon Chicken with rice and green beans
Thrusday~ Tacos
Friday~ Leftovers
Saturday~ Roasted chicken with potatoes and veggies
Sunday~ Lasagna

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Work on my Christmas tree skirt

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Curling up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea and reading a book

Something Fun to Share~

Our newest warmer of the month is out! The Mosaic Pumpkin Warmer is stunning and perfect for fall! The scent of the month is Fairy Tale Pumpkin. It is an epic blend of harvest pumpkin, midnight black raspberry with just a whisper of black licorice! Last month's scent, Scary Good, is amazing if you're looking for a fall scent to warm in your house. You can discover more here!

From the Camera~

Inspirational Post, Quote, Bible Verse~

Praying For~

Our Country and leaders
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My first grade Sunday school class
My friends and family
 A few local priests who have come down with Covid and anyone else suffering from Covid
A friend's husband who has cancer
A friend who is recovering from surgery
A fellow Sunday school teacher heading home to help her sister after the Hurricane in Louisiana
A fellow homeschool mom whose baby suddenly passed away

Till Next Time,

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ October 3, 2021

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Till Next Time,

Friday, October 1, 2021

Review~ Basic Math Skills Rescue Parts 1 & 2 from Math Essentials

Disclaimer~ I received a COMPLEMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.   

Math! Math has been one of those subjects that have been a blessing and a nightmare at the same time. If your child is using the wrong program it can be a disaster. If you find the right one, it often feels like a miracle. We've struggled over the years trying to find the right one for both my kids. Often in the process, they may fall behind or just need a refresher of topics. 
Basic Math Skills Rescue Parts 1 & 2 from Math Essentials helps fill in the gaps and strengthens their math skills! 

Basic Math Skills Rescue Parts 1 and 2 contain 6 books in two volumes. The two volumes are soft-cover workbooks. Included in the books is video access to online videos for each lesson. If a student completes both volumes, they would be ready for Algebra 1. The books and the videos make for an amazing learning experience. When students complete them both, they will have all the skills they need to be successful in the higher math courses they will take in the future. 

The program consists of two volumes. 

Volume 1
Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Volume 2 
Geometry, Problem Solving, and Pre-Algebra

In the front of each book, are instructions for the teacher and student. A quick easy guide on how to use the books is included. 5 simple steps to follow and the student is ready to go.

The daily lesson contains three parts: Review Exercises, Helpful Hints, and Problem Solving. The program is easy to follow. Each lesson should take about 15-20 minutes of instruction per day. That's it! The lessons are concise and well laid out. These short, easy lessons help students master math skills and reinforce the skills learned through consistent review!

The answer key is provided at the back of the workbook, as well as, a glossary and a few math table charts for added help. The math table charts include... Important Symbols, Multiplication Table, Commonly Used Prime Numbers, Squares and Square Roots Table, and Fractions/Decimals Equivalents.

How Did We Use Basic Math Skills Rescue from Math Essentials?

We followed the simple and easy how-to-use instructions.

1. Michael completed the review section. Having to show all his work was a big thing for him. He likes to do a lot of the math in his head, so he was not a fan of having to show all is his work.

2. Michael then moved on to the new material being presented. Most of the new material being presented he had already done. We were using this program as a review of skills. Michael did fin the helpful hint section useful. The examples show helped remind him of how to work through a problem if it was something he hadn't done in a while.

3. Michael worked through the sample problems again showing all his work. He offered a few complaints about it, but he did do it. I told him by showing all his work, it helps him find out where he went wrong if he did not get the correct answer the first time. Of course, this is something I've stressed since the beginning, but he has always chosen to ignore my "helpful" advice. 

4. Now the real-life problem-solving section was up. In this section, Michael was given a math word problem that used real-life problems. He's always been great at word problems, so this section was a breeze for him. I love that the lesson included a problem that helps students see math in the real world. 

5. Michael then checked his own work using the answer key located in the back of the book. 

I loved how the book encouraged independent learning styles. If a student needs more help with a topic, they can go online and check out the video lessons. 

What Did We Think of Basic Math Skills Rescue?

I have Michael work through the books just for review. I figured it would help keep his math skills ready for the SAT test he would be taking this fall. 
I think the books are a great way to help reinforce math skills. The books can be used as a review or as supplemental help for a struggling learner. Either way, the books will help students become stronger and faster with their math skills. 

Learn More about Math Essentials

Stop by and check out more reviews by the crew members about 
Basic Math Skills Rescue from Math Essentials!

Till Next Time,
