Monday, October 4, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ October 4, 2021

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Good morning, friends or maybe I should say good afternoon. It's already noon here and I'm just sitting down to type this post out!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had a busy one yet relaxing one at the same time. On Saturday, the kids took the SAT test for the first time. While they were taking their tests, the hubby and I visited a few farmer's markets. We were looking for apples, but I think it still is a little early for the ones we like. We did get some apple butter and my hubby pick up an apple pie for him and my father-in-law. 

While driving around, we saw Border Collie trials for the upcoming National Herding competition that is happening soon. We used to have a Border Collie, so we stopped a while to watch them in action. It always amazes me how seriously they take their job. Some of the dogs had traveled quite a distance to be here. A couple of the dogs were from Texas! Watching them work made me miss my sweet Trigger.

After the test, the kids met us for a late lunch and then we headed home. 

On Sunday, we had Mass and Sunday school. We learned about Mary and the Rosary. After class, we headed home and I worked on a few blog posts and prepared lessons for the week.

Enough about the weekend, let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday. Be sure to drop in a visit a bit with Sandra, our beautiful hostess over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom!

The Weather~

I think fall temps are here to stay. We do have quite a bit of rain in the forecast for the week. That's O.K. though, we need it. It has been rather dry around here lately. 

Monday~Thunderstorms, 80*
Tuesday~ Mostly Cloudy, 75*
Wednesday~ Showers, 68*
Thursday~ Cloudy, 70*
Friday~ Showers, 70*
Saturday~ Showers, 66*
Sunday, Scattered Showers, 70*

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee and a gluten-free English muffin with butter. My stomach has been acting up again, so I'm trying to figure out what I've been eating and drinking to bother it. I was doing really well. 

Looking Around the House~

I need to mop and vacuum the floors. I swear this needs done daily. Oddly, it seems like all the animals are shedding again before they get their winter coats in. 

Sweet Trigger

On the To-Do List This Week~

Plant some mums~ I still need to do this. I was hoping they'd bloom, so I would know what color they were before I planted them. They seem to be taking forever to sprout flowers. 

Get the new hens acclimated to the hen house. We have one hen that is just not accepting them. 

Organize and clean the downstairs pantry

Clean the basement

Clean the master bedroom

Currently Reading~

I just started What I Never Expected by Jennifer Archer. It's a women's novel about love and family!

I started reading The Sweet Taste of Muscadines by Pamela Terry, but had to return it to the library before I could finish it. So now I need to request it again so I can finish it.  Oh well, such is life.

Last week I finished The Last Heartbeat by Katerina Simms, a story about losing it all and finding yourself again, and A Boy and his Dog by Chloe Holiday. This book is about a woman, a retired military K9 dog, and his old handler.  Both of these were for reviews. 

I'd give them all about 3 stars. Not bad books, but definitely not my favorites. 

What the Kids are Reading~

For English, they are reading The Adventures of Happy Jack by Thorton W. Burgess. It's a classic children's book that they are digging deeper into. 

For US history, they are reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.

On the TV~

Outlander Season 4
I gave up on Netflix and rented the DVDs from the library. 

Criminal Minds Season 7

The kids want to rent and watch a bunch of horror movies this month since it's October. They've never really watched any, so they are looking at the classics. 

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Cheeseburger Mac
Tuesday~ Turkey breast, mashed potatoes with gravy, and pies
Wedensday~ Lemon Chicken with rice and green beans
Thrusday~ Tacos
Friday~ Leftovers
Saturday~ Roasted chicken with potatoes and veggies
Sunday~ Lasagna

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Work on my Christmas tree skirt

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Curling up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea and reading a book

Something Fun to Share~

Our newest warmer of the month is out! The Mosaic Pumpkin Warmer is stunning and perfect for fall! The scent of the month is Fairy Tale Pumpkin. It is an epic blend of harvest pumpkin, midnight black raspberry with just a whisper of black licorice! Last month's scent, Scary Good, is amazing if you're looking for a fall scent to warm in your house. You can discover more here!

From the Camera~

Inspirational Post, Quote, Bible Verse~

Praying For~

Our Country and leaders
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My first grade Sunday school class
My friends and family
 A few local priests who have come down with Covid and anyone else suffering from Covid
A friend's husband who has cancer
A friend who is recovering from surgery
A fellow Sunday school teacher heading home to help her sister after the Hurricane in Louisiana
A fellow homeschool mom whose baby suddenly passed away

Till Next Time,


  1. Prayers for all those in need. What a lovely Autumn quote. I'm wondering about your treeskirt... sewn, knit or crochet? I'd like to make one too.
    Have a great week

  2. How fun to get to watch the border collie trials for a bit! And what a sweet looking dog. My dog when I was kid was 1/2 border collie and 1/2 Australian shepherd. A great dog. Noticed our cat was shedding also. Maybe the weird weather? Pretty wax warmer. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. What a sweet pic of your kitty!! Curling up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea and reading a book sounds pretty good right now! Happy Monday!

