Tuesday, October 5, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ This year we are in the JUNGLE!

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Good morning, dear friends! 
Today I thought I'd share what theme we decided to go with for our classroom this year. 

We're in the Jungle!

A jungle theme is one we haven't done yet, so I thought why not. Therese was the one that suggested it. I think I forgot to mention that she is my aide again this year. I love working with my sweet girl. I can't believe I started teaching when she was just a tiny first grader and now she's looking at colleges!

We're wild about Jesus in first grade this year. Each student has an animal on the door. I wanted to make sure they all felt welcomed. I love when they come to class and start talking about their animal!

I decorated one wall in my classroom to go along with our theme!

Our Bible verse is.....

"I am the Vine, you are the branches."
John 15:5

Our jungle tree is made out of brown shipping paper and green tissue paper. Simple, easy, and not expensive to recreate. 
We're adding colored tissue paper flowers to the tree this week.

Our Prayer Wall

Each student has a hut with the 5 prayers we will be working on throughout the year.
I gave each student a different animal. 
Since I'm on a budget, I simply printed out various coloring pages of animals, and Therese and I colored them in. 

Till Next Time,

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