Thursday, October 7, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Week 3

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Good Morning! I hope you are all having a wonderful week.

This week in class we focused on learning some new things!

Our Saint~ Saint Martin of Tours

"St. Martin Sharing His Coat"
Saint Gatien Cathedral

The kids colored in their picture of Saint Martin of Tours while we read a story about his life.

We read a story about Saint Martin of Tours called, The Sword and the Cape by Pamela Love. The beautifully illustrated story tells the life of Martin and one of the most famous stories of kindness associated with him. The book contains a prayer and some historical information about Saint Martin too. 

We added his picture to our saint board.

Our Virtue~ Charity

Charity is loving God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself. 

Act of Charity Prayer

O my God, I love You above all things, 
with my whole heart and soul, 
because You are all good
and worthy of all my love.
I love my neighbor as myself
for the love of you.
I forgive all who have injured me
and ask pardon of all whom I have injured. 

We talked about ways they can practice the virtue of charity.

Being nice to a new kid at school
Offering to share pencils or crayons 
Helping your parents around the house
Visiting your grandparents
Helping your brother or sister 
Putting a few coins or dollars in the poor box at church
Donating food to the local food bank
Making a card for an elderly person

Week 3 Lesson~ We Pray to and Worship

We talked about God why we need to pray to God and why we need to attend Mass. We talked about the different reasons we can pray to God

For Help
To Thank Him
To Praise Him
To Offer Up Our Suffering for Others
To Ask Him to Help for Others

The list could go on and on!

We talked about how we need to behave when we go to church and visit God's house. We talked about how we need to be respectful of His house and the other people that are there. 
The kids worked on a worksheet about How We Behave in Church. I did find this worksheet for kids that might not be reading, Manners in Church.

After going over how to behave in the church, we headed on over. We practiced blessing ourselves with Holy Water when entered the sanctuary. We practiced going to our pew, genuflecting, and doing the sign of the cross before we enter the pew. We talked about why we should face the tabernacle while doing this. 

After practicing kneeling in the pew, we filed out and completed a church scavenger hunt, so they could learn more about the various items found in the church. 

We filed out of the church and headed back to class to add to our good deeds jar. After the children dropped in their good deeds, we added some glitter, and sang the good deeds song created by my old assistant teacher!

Good deeds, good deeds, they're everywhere
Good deeds, good deeds, from those who care
Good deeds, good deeds, they kinda ...make us smart
Good deeds, good deeds, they come from the HEART!

I love seeing how quickly they learn the song and eagerly join in!

See your next week!

Till Next Time,

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