Friday, September 2, 2022

Goodbye Summer~ Hello September

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Well, hello there, September! You kind of snuck up on me. I swear it was just May. Oh summer, where did you go? I feel like you ran away a little too quickly. Does anyone else feel that way?

Don't get me wrong, I like fall and I'm ready for it. It just feels like summer disappeared a little too fast, but then again doesn't it always. And yes, I know fall doesn't "officially" start until the middle of September but we all know we're transitioning to fall. 

So I thought I'd do a summer recap!  I'm starting with May, even though it's still spring) because that's when our summer started.


Therese finished up her first semester at college. 
We took a beautiful, relaxing, and much-needed vacation to the Florida Keys. We did a college in NC on the way down. We visited Saint Augustine and the Everglades National Park, a request from Michael.

We spent a week in the Keys soaking up the sunshine. We finished off our trip visiting with some family in northern Florida. 

We came home and visited the Iris garden. We bought a few bulbs too!

The kids worked on completing their lessons. 


Michael and Therese finished school for me. Michael graduated and we had a graduation party for him. We had a few other graduation parties that month 3 others..busy.
Therese had the SAT test.

We started construction on our porch (and it's still being completed). It's a slow process when you're doing a lot of the work yourself.

The kids had their work camp for our dioceses. This was Michael's last year for being able to go. Michael received an award from the Knights of Columbus for being an outstanding youth. 

The kids had their State Championship for shooting. They both did amazing!

Therese and I went to a Kenny Chesney concert with my sister and her daughter. 


Celebrated the Fourth of July with the kids and their friends. Our church had a picnic and we could watch the fireworks from the parking lot. 

We headed to Ohio for the National Championship for shooting. The kids did well. We then visited family that lived nearby. Therese dog sat for a neighbor when we got back. 

The kids went to two amusement parks with friends. We celebrated the 1st birthday of an adorable little guy. 

I worked on my lesson plans for Sunday school and cleaned my classroom.

We continued work on the porch, We added 9 new chicks to our flock, They were adorable.


The kids had their team party so they could receive their awards for last year's State Championship, a Regional Competition, this year's State Championship, and this year's National Championship. They both walked away with a ton of awards. I'm so proud of them both. 

We completed one section of the porch. The contractor that worked on that section did an amazing job.
We helped my hubby build a new fence for the chickens and started fixing up a shed for their new coop. (The girls actually moved in last night.)

We celebrated my niece's birthday. We visited my parents and visited Amish country. I bought some beautiful fabric. 

Maddie had a vet appointment. She's getting older but is in great health. She dos have some stiffness in her back legs. 

The boys went on their annual fishing trip. We had a week full of doctor's appointments...check-ups and dental.

The kids started classes at the local community college and I started a new quitling business. I'm still working on a few projects before I actually open the shop online. So stay tuned!

So that's where we are. It was a busy summer with lots of stuff going on. It's nice to sit back and relax a little now.

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Till Next Time,


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