Monday, September 26, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday~ September 26, 2022

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Good Morning, y'all! I've missed the past two weeks. I was out and about last Monday, so I didn't get a chance to sit down and type a post up. We've had a busy weekend. We had family over for a cookout and bonfire on Saturday. Church and Sunday school on Sunday. After class, I went to lunch with my sister and ran a few errands with her. It was nice to spend the day together. I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend.

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hey there.

The Weather~

Fall has officially arrived! The nighttime temps have been in the 50's. The windows are open and the fall breeze is so refreshing. The leaves here are starting to change and have been swirling in the wind. The sun is setting earlier and it just feels like fall!

Monday~ Sunny, 72*
Tuesday~ Partly Cloudy, 66*
Wedenesday~ Mostly Sunny, 65*
Thursday~ Partly Cloudy, 65*
Friday~ Mostly Cloudy, 64*
Saturday~ Rain, 63*
Sunday~ Rain, 64*

As I Look Out My Window~

I see a few hints of yellow and red. The Maple, Oak, and Dogwood trees have started to change color. There's just a hint of color in the woods. In a few weeks, the woods will come alive with shades of yellow, orange, and red. It will be stunning. It amazes me the beauty God surrounds us with. 

Right Now I Am ~

I'm typing up this post. I'm waiting for the towels and shower curtains to finish in the wash, so I can hang them up outside to dry. I just finished the grocery list, since I'm heading to the store tomorrow. 

Thinking and Pondering~

A few personal things that I'm hoping will resolve themselves. I'm also thinking about how I need to get out my fall clothes and put away the summer clothes. I think our tank-top weather is gone. 

How am I Feeling~

Not too bad. My allergies have gone away. I've started exercising again, so I'm a little sore but overall feel good. 

What's for Breakfast~

Dairy-free yogurt with granola and coffee 

Looking Around the House~

A few things need to be picked up. I vacuumed and mopped before our company on Saturday, so I should be good for a few days. 

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Grocery Store
Thrift Store
Plant Iris Bulbs
Meal Plan
Finish 4 table runners for my shop
Get items listed in my shop

On My Reading Pile~

and for my Women's Bible study group Opening Your Heart. You can find more about the various bible studies that they offer on their website, Walking with Purpose

On TV this week~

In the Dark
Virgin River

Where the Crawdads Sing


On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Ground Turkey and Rice Casserole
Tuesday~ ??
Wednesday~ ??
Thursday~ ??
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ ??

I'm heading to the store tomorrow, so I'll be making my meal plan this week. 

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

I hope to start sewing a new skirt for church. 

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Curling up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and my sweet kitty curling up with me. 

From the Camera~

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

"I believe God loves the world through us- through you and me."
~Mother Teresa

Praying For~

My sweet girl, Therese
My family and friends
The wonderful ladies that are part of my bible study class
My adorable first graders
Our country and leaders

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Till Next Time,


  1. That sleeping kitty is so sweet! Glad your allergies are gone and that fall has found you. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Those pumpkins are cute!! That sleeping kitty....perfect!! Have a great week!

  3. Hallo Monique,

    I really enjoyed hanging out with you, reading your text and looking at your pictures. It's funny, isn't it, to read each other's Monday things. That cat picture is gold.

  4. oh the abundance of the garden! I love your description of Fall leaves to come. The best season of all (for me haha). Glad you got to enjoy time with family. Have a good rest of the week

  5. Keeping it short and sweet since I am so VERY late this week! I hope your week was great and LOVE your weather as we head into October, my favorite month! What a sweet kitty face. See you in the morning.

