Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Teaching Tuesday~ Welcome to First Grade!

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Happy Tuesday, y'all! We had our first class and it went great! I have 15 students this year...8 boys and 7 girls. Pretty even, so it should be a good year. I always find the first class goes rather smoothly. The students are eager for a new year, are excited to be there, and are not yet comfortable acting up yet. I find their true personalities don't make an appearance until about week 3. 

Our first class is always a busy one. We have to go over so many things in such a short time, plus I want it to be fun and not boring. 

Once we are all seated and a little comfortable, we start introductions. We go around the room say our names and give one fun fact about ourselves....favorite animal, favorite color, do we have siblings, do we have pets, do we play a sport, etc. It's a quick way for the students to get to know each other since they come from different schools in the area.

Next is the boring part, but the important part. I go over the rules and expectations in class. These are the basic rules...raise your hand, be nice to one another, have no feet on the table, be sure to listen, keep your hands to yourself, etc. I do have a poster hanging in the room that I can refer to during the school year.

After the rules and expectations, we have a quick bathroom/water break. Once we are all settled back down, we go over the room layout. I explain our theme for the year, the Bible Verse, the areas in the room, what a saint is, what are virtues, and what we'll be learning. I hand out the prayer booklets I made for each student to take home with them. 

Next, we get up and head over to the mats for storytime. 
We have a short story from Little Acts of Grace 2. We read the introduction and Seeing the Lord. 

After storytime, we head back to our tables for some learning. We start learning the Sign of the Cross. I have a coloring page that helps them learn this. We practice doing the Sign of the Cross a few times together. It's always an interesting time. I usually have about half of the students that know how to make the sign of the cross, a few who are almost there, and then a few who have no idea how to.  Just for fun, I hand out a fun dot-to-dot Sign of the Cross worksheet. I have found my students love dot-to-dot pages and mazes!

Finally, we play a fun Ice Breaker Bingo! This gets the kids interacting with each other and they have fun. It's a great way to end the class.

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Till Next Time,


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