Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Teaching Tuesdays~ God is Our Creator!

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Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm back with a new lesson! Sunday school has been a blast. I love getting to know our new little friends every year. Their personalities are hysterical. Little kids are the best. 

Check out this week's class!

We continued to work on the Sign of the Cross and started learning the Glory Be. Since they are very similar, I group these together. 

Saint~ Saint Martha

I read a short story about her life. I use a variety of resources for learning about a saint's life. The students are always amazed that Saint Martha knew Jesus. They think it's cool that she actually got to talk to him. 

The kids worked on their coloring page of Saint Martha while I read about her life. We then added her picture to our Saint board.


A Saint a Day: 365 True Stories of Faith and Heroism

Book of Saints by Reverand Lawerance G. Lovasik- I have a few of these that I have purchased over the years for my kids. There are multiple books and they are numbered. I know I have 1 through 6, and number 10. I'm not sure how many there are. I keep meaning to see and get the rest. 

Virtue~ Faith

Faith is believing in God, believing in all He has revealed to you, and trusting in God's plan. For our virtue study, I use a resource I found years ago to use with my kids. I saved it and added it to our Sunday school lessons years ago.  It's called Virtues in Practice and is from the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia in Nashville. 

After learning about faith and how to apply it to their lives, we added the colorful word to our virtue board.

Old Testament Lesson~

Paradise Landscape with the Creation of the Animals
Jan Brueghel II

So this week, we started at the very beginning. We learned about God being the creator of all things! We read about the story of creation. I like to use the Alice in Bible Land Series - The Story of Creation. The students seem to enjoy the story and it's written in simple terms for them to understand. It rhymes, so I think they like the sing-song pattern. 

I have two worksheets that I used for this lesson, God's Creation Worksheet and the 7 Days of Creation Matching Worksheet. 

We talked about who God is and how He created us in His image and likeness. We learned about God's love for us. He loves us more than we could ever know. 

Catechism Lesson~ 

We learned about the Blessed Trinity. We learned how the Blessed Trinity is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I have a coloring page that shows this and a handwriting page too.

Our craft this week went with this part of our lessons. The students made a Blessed Trinity triangle. We took 3 large popsicle sticks, glued them together to form a triangle, and then labeled the three sides: God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. You can find directions here.

We shared a snack of apples. I use the apple to demonstrate the 3-in-1 meaning of the Blessed Trinity. 
Skin, flesh, and seeds all make up an apple. It helps them understand it a little better, plus they enjoy a simple snack. 

We closed class with the Glory Be and the Our Father. 

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Till Next Time,



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