Friday, November 5, 2021

Georgia O'Keeffe Unit Study

Georgia O'Keeffe by Alfred Stieglitz 

We recently studied about the artist Georgia O'Keeffe.

She is one of the most famous female American artists.

She created beautiful pictures of flowers and desert scenes. She is a great artist to study if you have boys and girls. She will appeal to both of them.

We read a variety of books to learn more about her and then created our own masterpieces.

Here are the books we used to learn about Georgia.

I found some wonderful worksheets over at Garden Of Praise.

They have a coloring page of the painting Light Iris, which you can print on cardstock so the kids can watercolor the picture.

They have a biography page, a word search, a word scramble, a crossword puzzle, and a test.

After learning about Georgia, we had fun creating some art!

Red Poppy

We created our own poppy by using scrapbooking paper and some glue.

Princess P's creation.

Lego Man's poppy.

And Mama's poppy

Georgia O'Keeffe
Jimson Weed, 1936

Jimson Weed

We used acrylic paint to recreate the Jimson Weed painting.

Mama's Jimson Weed

The kid's interpretation of the Jimson Weed.

Our artwork on display!

I hope you enjoy it!

Till Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Monique
    Love the artwork...your kids are so great at this!

    We read the Venezia book as well....and I got a video out of the lib with Joan Allen and Jeremy Irons ( as Steiglitz) We've not watched it as of yet!
    I planned to have the kids paint in her style as well but I love what you did too, with "Red Poppy" pix!

    Have a great weekend!

