Thursday, November 18, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Week 9 Noah's Ark

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Hello again! Okay, I am finally catching up to the weeks for Sunday school. I have one more after this and then I am back on track for our weekly scheduled lessons.

Week 9 was all about Noah's Ark! This was a new lesson I added this year. A few years ago, I noticed a lot of the students didn't know the well-known Old Testament Bible stories, so I decided to add a few into our regular lessons. Of course, this year's class is well-versed in the story of Noah. I had a few of the kids help me tell the story!

Our Saint~ Saint Padre Pio

Padre Pio was a priest from Italy. I have a St. Joseph's Kids' Book about Padre Pio that I read to the kids. I have collected quite a few of these books over the years and love sharing them with my students. 

While reading the story, the kids colored their coloring page of Padre Pio. 

Our Virtue~ Humility

Humility is being humble or being modest in one's abilities. Not being prideful.

Sometimes this can be hard to explain to little ones. So we focus on not bragging or boasting about our abilities to hurt someone else's feelings. 

 I ask them what they are good at. Then I ask what they are not good at. Of course, every year I have 1 or 2 students who say they are great at everything. So, we dig a little deeper. 

Can they sing? 
Can they dance? 
Are they awesome at math? 
Are they a good speller? 

Usually, this brings out some of the things they are not great at. We then go back to the things they excel at. So this year, I took one of their suggestions. One student was great at math, so I asked him what he would do if a friend was not great at math.
Would he brag about it? Make fun of his friend? Of course not he said.

My favorite quote this year was from a little girl..." Be happy when you do well, but don't brag about it!"

We then talked about how our gifts are from God. We all have strengths and weaknesses. If we are struggling, we should accept advice and help graciously. If we receive compliments, we should say thank you and be polite.  

As one little boy said, "We shouldn't get a big head like a balloon!"

Week 9 Lesson~ Noah's Ark

I was amazed by all the information the kids knew about Noah and the giant Ark he built!
I read the story with the help of my students. They were great at interacting and filling in the details. 

After the story, the kids had a fun time completing a Noah's Ark Maze.

After the maze, they worked on the Noah's Ark craft that I found online. The kids loved the rainbow,

A fun snack to go along with this lesson is animal crackers! The kids seem to have a fun time eating them and lining them up while pretending they are boarding the ark!

It was a busy class and it went by quickly. I love when they are eager and full of questions!

Have a great week!

Till Next Time,

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