Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Review~ The Giving Manger from WorthyKids

Disclaimer~ I received a COMPLEMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.


Good morning! I'm so excited to share with you a wonderful activity to add to your Advent traditions! 
The Giving Manger from WorthyKids is a wonderful way to bring the true meaning of Christmas into your family. It will help your family learn about the importance of giving during Advent and Christmas. 
The beautiful book and activity will help your family get back to the real meaning of Christmas. 

For this review, we received the box set.

Each box set contains everything you will need to start this beautiful tradition. 

The Giving Manger Picture Book

A heart-warming story with beautiful illustrations that bring to life the tradition of giving. The story helps get children excited about participating in this new tradition of giving back. The book has a hardback cover so it will last for years.

Wooden Manger

A simple wooden manger that should be placed in a visible spot in the house. This will help keep the idea of giving front and center.

Bundle of Straw

A piece of straw will be placed in the manger after the children perform an act of service. 

Baby Jesus

A simple swaddled Baby Jesus that will go in the manger on Christmas Eve after the manger is full of straw from all the acts of service the children will do during the Advent season. 

I love the idea behind The Giving Manger. 
It is a wonderful way to bring the real meaning of Christmas to your family.
I wish I would have had this when my kids were little. We made our own wooden manger out of popsicle sticks when the kids, This box set is so much cuter!
I love the idea of encouraging the children to work on little acts of service. 
We called them good deeds. It brings to life the true meaning of Christmas for children when we live in a world so focused on the commercial aspect of it. 

Since my kids were a little old to enjoy this. I have taken it in to use with my Sunday school class. We already have a good deeds jar to fill for the year. This tiny manger will be a wonderful way to encourage them to do more during the season of Advent. Too often, the season of Advent is overlooked. People focus on Christmas and think the season starts before or after Thanksgiving. Christmas actually doesn't start until Christmas Eve! I love helping my little ones learn about Advent and the importance of preparing for the Christmas season. 

This beautiful box set would make a wonderful gift for a family with young children. The family could start this tradition when the kids were little and continue to grow with it over the years. When my kids were little we had the tradition of searching for the traveling wisemen (instead of a certain elf that is so popular). That tradition was fun, but the giving manger is fun while encouraging children to have a giving heart. A giving heart is one way to encourage them to grow closer to Jesus and the kingdom of Heaven.  

And if you are worried about the straw getting lost or ruined, I figured replacement straw can be found at your local craft store or dollar store. Parents will be able to continue the tradition for years. 
Just a word of advice, keep Baby Jesus away from puppies. They tend to eat him. We've lost two Baby Jesus dolls over the years. One was eaten by the dog, the other went missing after a cat decided to steal him out of the manger! 
Life with kids and pets is never dull!

Learn more about The Giving Manger and Worthy Kid Books

Want to see how families with young children used The Giving Manger?
Check out the rest of the reviews from The Review Crew!

Till Next Time,

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