Thursday, November 11, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Week 5

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Good morning, dear friends! I hope you all had a very blessed Sunday and are having an awesome week.
This past Sunday in class we learned about God and the story of Creation.

Our Saint~ Saint Thomas Aquinas

I read a little bit about the life of Saint Thomas Aquinas from Saints for Younger Readers, Volume 1
While I read to them about Saint Thomas, the children worked on their coloring page of him.

A book for older kids to learn more about Saint Thomas Aquinas is Saint Thomas Aquinas by Raissa Maritain. It is geared for kids ages 8-12.  

We talked about how he was a hardworking student, how he was bullied by classmates, and how he was called the Dumb Ox. He worked hard and went on to become one of the Doctors of the Church. 

Our Virtue~ Studiousness  

Studiousness is the quality of being studious. The means enjoying and spending time studying or in simple terms being a good student. I related this to the kids in ways they could understand.

Being prepared to learn when they go to school
Studying when they have a test
Reading good books
Listening and paying attention to their teacher
Working on assignments to the best of their ability
Working hard even when things are difficult
Asking for help if they need it

Week 5 Lesson~ God is Our Father, The Story of Creation

The Creation of Adam in the Garden of Eden
Jan, the younger Brueghel

This week was our diocese's Formation in Christain Chasity program. For 1st grade, this meant learning about God, how he loves us, and how we are made in his image. We go over the required material and then add on to it so that the children have a little bit of fun while learning too. 

We read the story of creation. There are so many options out there. You can choose to read the story from a children's Bible or a storybook. I found the kids enjoy, the Alice in Bibleland books. They are done in a sing-song way and the kids always enjoy them. I have had the collection for years. My kids enjoyed them and now I get to share them with new kids each year. 

We did a scavenger hunt of Who Made It? God or Man. I found this years ago and now I can't seem to locate it online to share. 
Basically, I place pictures around the room of certain objects. Some God made while others are man-made. A few of the items are pictures of things found in the church, like a statue of Mary. The kids go from picture to picture and write an M or a G depending on who made it. When they are done, we go over it as a class. 

The kids then worked on a fun coloring page with a letter search in. This is from an old textbook we had years ago. 

Other Fun Activities for Learning about the Story of Creation

7 Days of Creation matching Game from Arrows and Applesauce

Just doing a simple Pinterest or google search will supply any parent with tons of great ideas to help kids learn about the story of creation. The possibilities are endless. I see so many cute ideas, but we just don't have that much time in class!

Till Next Time,

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