Tuesday, November 16, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Week 7 Moses and the Ten Commandments

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Good Morning! I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Week 7 of Sunday school was all about Moses and the Ten Commandments. 

Our Saints~ Saints Monica and Saint Augustine

Saint Monica and Saint Augustine
Wikimedia Commons

I love sharing this story with my students. It shows them how much a mother's love can change things. Saint Monica loved her son and never gave up on him, even when he was living a life she was unhappy about. Through her devotion, constant prayers, and love she was able to help her Augustine find the right path. The path to Heaven. 

The kids are always amazed at how Saint Monica followed Augustine when he moved away. Every year, I have at least 2 students who comment on how much she loved her son. 

Our Virtue~ Patience

Patience is when we accept delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. It's our ability to endure difficult times or circumstances. 

After helping the kids to see what patience is, I always ask when do they struggle with being patient.
Siblings are usually the number one struggle they face. Waiting in line has become a close second in the past few years.  

After we talk about our triggers, I ask for suggestions on how they can stay patient during difficult times. 

Count to 10
Say a Prayer (or two)
Breath in and out slowly
Walk away  to calm down
Hum or sing

I love hearing their suggestions. 

Week 7 Lesson~ Moses and the Ten Commandments

WOW! Moses is a busy lesson. I always start with the story of Moses as a Baby. 
After reading the story, I have the kids search the room for Baby Moses. I want them to find him just like the Pharaoh's daughter did. Before class, I hid a small baby (a Barbie baby) in the room. This is always a fun activity for the kids and it gets them up and moving. 

After the Baby search, we read about Moses and the Burning Bush. Following the story, we worked on our Moses and the Burning bush craft. I have the kids color a picture of Moses and then cut it out. I then have them glue to a piece of construction paper. For the bush, the kids trace their hand and then glue red, orange, and yellow pieces of tissue paper to the bush (hand). Here is a link to a similar craft. 

I completely forgot to snap a pic of one of the kid's pictures before they headed out. 

Next up is the story of Moses, the Pharaoh, and the 10 Plagues. I read this story from the Children's Bible.

We read about Moses freeing the Israelites, crossing the Red Sea, traveling through the desert for 40 years, and receiving the 10 Commandments from God. 

A fun activity I came across but didn't do with the kids was this fun craft about Moses parting the Red Sea. 

We went over each of the 10 Commandments and talked about how they help guide us down the right path. The 10 Commandments help us get closer to God and live a good life. They are a great help when figuring out if we are sinning or not. I explain them as rules to live by. 
Here are two great resources to help explain the 10 Commandments to younger kids. 

10 Commandments Coloring Page (be sure to scroll down for it)

There are tons of great ideas for 10 Commandment crafts online. The only thing you have to make sure of is that they are the Catholic set. 

Here is a great set of 10 Commandment posters to help decorate your room. I have this set as well as the Hail Mary and the Stations of the Cross sets. I love the classic artwork. 

Have a great week!

Till Next Time,

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