Monday, July 6, 2015

10 Things Found in Our Schoolroom

If you enter any homeschooling house, you'll find a variety of curricula and supplies. They will vary from house to house just like the flowers God covered the earth with.

There a few things that we have found to be a necessity in our homeschool classroom.

1. Pencils and Pens
Make sure you have a ton of these. As soon as you sit down and get ready to start your day, a child will say "I can't find my pencil." This happens almost every day. You would think little fairies come in during the night and take them all. Actually, we usually find them in the couch. I'm not sure how they end up there since we don't usually do school work on the couch.

2. Erasures
The big pink fat ones! The erasures on the tops of pencils get used up, break off, and get eaten. That is if you have a child that likes to chew on pencil tops. I have one and we are lucky enough to have a dog that likes to chew them up too.

3. Markers, Crayons, and Colored Pencils
We use these almost every day. We have maps to fill in, worksheets that require labeling, coloring pages, etc. Depending on what the kids are working on will affect what type of media they choose. I love having thin and thick markers.

4. A Good Pencil Sharpener 
This is a must!!! We have gone through so many pencil sharpeners. The electric sharpeners break way too easy and most of the hand held ones don't work.

The old fashion kind work the best.

5. Construction Paper
We use this a lot. We use it for art projects, class projects, unit studies, lap books, note booking, and when we make history pockets. The kids also use it for making all types of things..... kitty condos, cards, and books. The list of possibilities is endless. We typically buy the big pack at Costco every 2 years.

6. Art Supplies
Art supplies can vary in each house but I do think there are few standards that should be in every house. When kids can create their minds grow.

Paint~ acrylic, poster, finger, and water color
Paint Brushes
Clay~colored and natural
Pipe Cleaners
Brown Packaging Paper
Drawing Paper
Paper for painting

7. Notebooks
We use notebooks mostly for copywork and math. But we also use them for certain subjects that the kids are now taking notes in like history and religion. I use them for keeping track of all my notes and ideas too. My only problem is I tend to lose then one I am writing in.

8. Binders
These are our a life saver. We have  1.5 inch binders for most of our subjects. We have them for science, history, geography, prayers/hymns, and our U.S. States study. I have a 2 inch binder for each child were I keep track of their work. I store their tests in them . I record their attendance, books they have read, and grades.  I keep pieces of their work done throughout the year. It's their portfolio binders.

9. Scissors
A must have item if you like to do projects, lap books, and unit studies. We have a lot of scissors because they disappear just like pencils and my red pens!

10. Glue Sticks
We buy these in bulk at Costco and we buy more when they go on clearance after the back to school sales at the local stores. We always need these. We usually run out and have t restock in March.

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