Friday, July 31, 2015

Our Week in Review/Weekly Wrap-Up~ July 31st

Wow....another month gone! Where did July go? As I sit here and write I can't believe today is the last day of July. august will be here tomorrow and school is right around the corner.

This week has been non stop. Sunday we headed to the pool and relaxed in some cool, refreshing water. What better way to beat the heat than splashing around in the pool.

Monday we stayed home and worked on some math. Yup, we have started some school work already. A way to ease into the demands of the new upcoming year. The kids have actually done it without complaining. It's funny how when you start homeschooling year round they don't complain about starting back when other kids are not. They know they will get off other days, like the first nice week after a rough winter. We get to enjoy the beautiful days at the park while those other kids are sitting at desks day dreaming about playing outside. An everyone likes to have a day off on their birthday!

I sent in our NOI and proof of progress to the county. Both items are due this month. Test results are due on August 1st while our notice of intent is due August 15th. I prefer to send them in at the same time. Less work for me and them.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Therese had choir camp again. She has really enjoyed it. The director, Mr. C, is wonderful for the kids. He sings at the Basilica in Washington D.C.

I love that he always picks traditional Catholic hymns to sing. No new hymns here! She tried out for a solo and was given the task of of an understudy. So if one of the girls gets sick, she will sing the Psalms at the Mass. Not to bad for a young lady who has not been part of a choir for very long. She is thinking about joining the churches children's choir next year.

Wednesday was camp day for Micheal. This week he learned about eagles and hawks. Two of his favorite birds. The center is currently rehabilitating a few hawks and one eagle so they were able to see the birds up close.

Next week, they will learn about skunks and raccoon. 

We also visited the vets again this week. We have two kitties down with the cat flu. Hopefully the third kitty doesn't get it.

Now for a relaxing weekend! Hope you have a great weekend.

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Linking up with My Week in Review,  Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, Show Off Friday,  Learn and Link, Friendship FridayFamily Fun Friday, Christian Fellowship Fridays

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