Saturday, February 13, 2016

Our Weekly Wrap-Up~ February 12, 2016

Chilly, Chilly, Chilly! It is downright cold here and it's only going to get colder this weekend!
So what have we been up too? Dreaming of this.....


and of course this

But weather like that is a little farther away than I would like. So while dreaming or wishful thinking we've been doing school, even though Mama has been sick. Thankfully no children have come down with it yet.

In our school this week.........So school has been off and on. The kids have worked on all the basics....Math, Spelling, and English. We added a new curriculum to our English, a writing program. I am loving it! We've done 3 weeks now and I have seen improvement in both kids writings. I'll be sharing more details about this program later with a TOS Review. It's been helpful this week, since the kids have been able to watch the video  and work on the lessons with very little help from me. The kids have jumped right into their next book reports. This month they are learning and writing about a country of their choice. Michael picked Vietnam and Therese picked France (since she really, really want to got there). We were reading about Our Lady of Lourdes this week and she was in awe of the cathedral's beauty. 


I pray she is able to make a pilgrimage there someday and see the grotto and the cathedral. I know she will be deeply affected by this beautiful and sacred site. She is still leaning towards Bernadette as her Confirmation name.

We have been working on our Election lap book. This week the kids learned about the different branches of the government and how we ended up with our government. I love this lapbook from HomeSchool in the Woods. The kids and I are learning so much. It's a perfect way for the kids to learn all about our government and the election process, especially this year since we are electing a new president! 

For science, the kids created a plant cell out of Legos. What better way to learn than with a fun project. They both did a fantastic job trying to create a plant cell.

What I've been working on.....Preparing for Lent, trying to feel better and not get sicker, planning for next year. Yup, I'm already thinking about next year. So far I've decided on science for the kids next year. The kids love learning about animals and have really enjoyed their co-op class Swimming Creatures. So for next year, I have decided on doing the Flying Creatures and Land Animals. The are already excited about it. They haven't enjoyed learning about plants that much this year. I'me still trying to figure out the rest since we will have completed all 4 cycles of Classically Catholic Memory. If the kids were younger, we would just recycle the program, but both will be too old. I guess I'm back to planning it on my own. Sounds like fun doesn't it? It's funny, I actually love planning lesson.

What we are reading.......
I'm reading From the Angel's Blackboard: The Best of Fulton J. Sheen. The book talks to our minds, hearts, and souls. 
Michael is reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. He's loving it. He finds it extremely funny.

Therese is reading Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink.

Quote for the Week......

How was your homeschooling week?

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  1. Wow, I'm so impressed by how much you get done! I'm really inspired whenever I read your WWUs!

    I'm reserving the Sheen book from the sounds great. Also, looking fwd to the new Eng program details.

    Thanks for the great're motivating me to do more and go deeper...I feel like I;m kind of floundering lately in our HSing!!! Really...gotta get focused!

    God bless and Happy Valentine's Day my friend!!

    1. You're so sweet. There are plenty of weeks we flounder through. We struggled through Nov. and Dec. with the play, Advent, and Christmas. I took a different approach this year. As long as we get through the material it doesn't matter when we finish it. We are on our time schedule.
      Thanks for stopping by

