Friday, February 24, 2017

B is for Books~ Blogging Through the Alphabet

O.K......I''ll admit it. I'm a little behind with the Blogging Through the Alphabet. This week is supposed to be letter F, but I'm just now getting to letter B and letter C. I did get letter E posted last week. That's the life of a homeschooler. Always expect the unexpected. I'll get to letter C and F later on in the week.

So for the letter B I will be talking about.....BOOKS!
You can't be a homeschooler without having a pile of books somewhere in your house. In fact, I'm sure many of us have piles throughout our houses.
We are lucky enough to have a room dedicated to our homeschooling. We call it our classroom. It's really a classroom/sewing room. I'd love to tell you that it is clean and organized all the time, but sadly I'd be lying. It usually looks like a tornado hit it.

Our room is filled with books, more books, and even more books. My dear hubby built us two beautiful bookshelves around our bay window in the schoolroom, but we still don't have enough room on the shelves. We have a few piles on the floor and a few boxes of books in the corners. We have more books stored on shelves in the basement. The kids have books on shelves in their rooms. We even have Rubbermaid tubs of books in our basement. Most of these books are books the kids have outgrown but want to keep for their kids.

Over the years, I've been asked how we have so many books. Books can be expensive, so where do we find good deals.
Here are a few of our favorite places to shop.

1. Thrift Stores
2. Used Book Stores
3. Library Book Sale
4. Ebay
5. Amazon
6. Used Books from other Homeschooling Families

The first three places are where we find the best deals. We can walk out with boxes of books while spending very little money. Unfortunately not everyone has access to good thrift stores. We're lucky enough to have some wonderful thrift stores in our area. One of our favorite stores has children's books for .50 or $1.00. If we are lucky enough to get there on a Saturday, we can get books 12 for $1.00. We have found some great books over the years. Because we go in almost every week, we get to see when new books come in. When I find way too many books I need, the nice ladies there will work with me to get an even better deal. 
Our Library Book Sale is awesome. Here we can find books about everything and anything. We even find homeschool curriculum books. The books range in price form 25. to $10. The best part all the proceeds go to the library so they can buy new books! The only draw back to shopping used books is that you don't always find what you are looking for.
For books that I need for lessons, I search eBay, Amazon, and a few used book pages on Facebook. Here I can find the titles I need at a great price. Classic books, books no longer in print, and religious books can always be found here. We rarely pay full price for a book.

If we don't need the book for a long time or don't want to own it, we head to our local library. The library is a great place to find non-fiction books about history, people, and places. We love the educational DVD's we can find there. 

In our homeschooling books are a must! 
I love when I can give my children a wide collection of books to fill their minds with a wealth of knowledge. 

"The More you Read,
the More things you will Know,
the More you Learn,
the more Places you will Go."
~Dr. Seuss

Hopkins Homeschool

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