Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Times Alive from Times Tables the Fun Way

Recently, Therese was given the opportunity to review Times Alive from Times Tables the Fun Way. Learning and memorizing math facts has been a little tricky for her, so she was eager and willing to give this program a try. She logged into the online lessons with animated songs and stories to learn times tables the fun way!

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

City Creek Press is owned and operated by Judy Liautaud. She is an educational pioneer. Back in 1992, she wanted to find a way to help students learn the math tables in a fun way, but more importantly in way that students would remember them!
City Creek Press offers books, movies, computer software, music cds, flash cards, classroom materials, student workbooks, and online subscriptions to help students learn their math tables.
Students can learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

For this review, Therese worked through the online version of Times Alive. We were given access to the monthly subscription for 3 months. A monthly subscription is $9.95 a month after the initial set up cost. Setting up an account and logging in was simple to do. 

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

Upon logging in, students will see a lesson list that will show them what the lessons are, what lessons they have completed, and what lessons are left for them to work on. Times Alive has 18 lessons for the students to work through. The 18 lessons will work on the times tables from 0 to 9.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

Each lesson is broken up into 3-5 sections. The lessons are started off with a movie that introduces the number characters being covered in that lesson. The movie tells a story about the number characters that will help the students remember the math times tables. Following the movie, a song is taught to help the students remember the story about the number characters.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

After watching the movie and learning the song, the students will then work on answering math problems by remembering the story and number characters they learned. The questions are presented in a fun and non stressful way. 

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

At the end of some lessons, students will be given a progress check or test to see what they have learned. The progress test allows the student to see what they have learned and what they may still need to work on. The progress check is done after a few lessons to see if the student can remember the facts they have been taught. These tests can be printed out for more practice too.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

If the student doesn't score that well they can redo the test. They can be cleared and redone until the student masters it. If you have a child that is a perfectionist, they can retake the test until they score a 100%.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

Times Alive even offers the students a little fun. Some of the lessons have a fun coloring page that can be colored in. It' a nice reward for their hard work.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

Parents can log in and check the students progress report. Here parents can see what lessons the student has done, if they did all the sections of the lesson, and see what their scores were on the tests given during the lessons. This is great because parents can then see what lessons the students have mastered or what lessons need to worked on again. 
Once the students have worked through lessons 1-17, they will reach lesson 18. Lesson 18 is the final test to see what they have learned. 

What Did We Think of Times Alive?

I found the program very well done. The stories and songs helped make the times tables come alive. This program would be a fantastic way to introduce young children to the times tables. It's fun, colorful, and very educational. Who wouldn't want to learn their multiplication facts in a fun way? I like how the lessons can be done over and over again until a child has mastered the times tables and feel confident in their math skills.

Therese's thoughts...... 
She thought the program was a little young for her. She's 11 (going on 15). She is on the older end so some of the graphics and songs seemed a little childish to her. She would love to have a program that was geared for older students who just need more reinforcement with their math facts. She did agree that some of the rhymes were catchy. Overall, she felt the program was pretty good. 

****As a side note, she might not admit it, but some of the songs did help her learn some of the upper time tables. She has been struggling with the 7's, 8's, and 9's for years. She get certain math facts done but not others. For example, she's now knows 7 x 9, but doesn't know 8 x 7. 
We will be working through the program until she has them done pat!

Want to see how well it worked for other families? 
Click on the link below and see how Time Alive worked for their kids.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

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