Thursday, February 9, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~ Crazy Horse Memorial

After our morning trip to Mount Rushmore, we headed down the road to visit The Crazy Horse Memorial. I thought Mount Rushmore was big, but the Crazy Horse Memorial makes the four president's head look like peanuts!

The Crazy Horse Memorial is located in the beautiful Black Hills, South Dakota. It's a wonderful memorial to the Native American tribes. It's the world's largest mountain carving.

The Crazy Horse Memorial was a dream of Henry Standing Bear, who was a Oglala Lakota Chief. He asked Korczak Ziolkowski to create a memorial in honor of all the great Native American tribes. Ziolkowski started the memorial on June 3, 1948. The first blast was witnessed by five survivors of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. It was started a long time ago. I'd love to see it completed.

The memorial will be 641 feet long and 563 feet high!

"My lands are where my dead lie buried."
~ Crazy Horse 1877

The Crazy Horse Memorial is filled with tons to see. When you arrive, you enter the welcome center. I highly recommend watching the film about the memorial and the Ziolkowski family. We learned so much about this memorial and this family that is helping to create this lasting memorial to the Native American tribes.

From the Welcome center, you can head into the Indian Museum of North America. The museum has an amazing collection of artifacts from various Native American tribes throughout the United States.
In the Wall of Window room, visitors can view the Crazy Horse Memorial. Opposite the windows ad their breath taking views, you can see a collection of stunning portraits of Native Americans that fought in the Battle of the Little Big Horn. I was too busy looking at he portraits and reading about these brave men to remember to take any photos. The portraits bring to life these amazing men. We looked for a book with all the portraits in it, but unfortunately we couldn't find one.

We loved visiting this American treasure. I enjoyed seeing the various Native American artifacts and artwork. A few years ago, we had visited the Cherokee Reservation and the museum there. The museum at the Crazy Horse Memorial was even better. I loved the seeing the different pieces from a wider selection of tribes.

The Nature Gate

If you're ever in the area, the Crazy Horse Memorial is a must see. You won't regret stopping to see it. The Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation's mission is to protect and preserve the culture, tradition, and living heritage of the Native Americans tribes. The Memorial does not accept federal or state funding.
If you'd like to donate to help the dream come to life, you can donate here.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! Unreal!! I love CH of our fave places ever.

    Fantastic post Monique. Thank yo for all the fun and great pics!

