Friday, February 24, 2017

F is for Faith ~ Blogging Through the Alphabet

F is Faith!

When we began our homeschooling journey, our faith was not the main reason for starting down this path. It became more important as the years went on. The more we dug into this homeschooling journey, the more we realized that our faith and religion were a huge part of our lives. We started to realize that it had become one of the main reasons why we continued on this different path.

So how do we keep our faith in our homeschooling?

We start each day with prayer. After prayer, our first subject we cover is religion. For religion, we use a wide selection of books. Our religion textbook is Faith and Life. We read from the Bible every day. The kids will learn different bible verses. When they were younger we did copywork, but now they write down a verse and work on memorizing it. 
We are currently reading two other religious books to supplement our text book.


Our extra reading books change yearly. 
When the kids were younger, we read a lot of great picture books. 

Each week, we spend time learning a lesson from the Baltimore Catechism. We work on answering the questions and memorizing the Catechism of the Catholic church. These re wonderful books for when the kids are preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

The kids work through their Friendly Defenders flash cards. These are fun flash cards that ask questions about the Catholic faith. On the back of the cards, the kids learn how to defend their faith, answer the questions, and what bible verses support there beliefs. I love knowing my kids will be able to defend their faith when questioned by others.

We practice Latin hymns with out Chant Cd. I love this set. It comes with 2 CD's and a book with the hymns. We can follow along and learn all the words. The  Gregorian chant is beautiful to hear.

The kids read various Saint books. I like them to read a least 4 a year. This year, I started having the kids complete a one page report on a saint every two weeks. They use information from books and websites to write them. This helps them learn more about these strong men and women in faith and it helps them with their writing skills. That's a win-win for me.
The kid's history class also have a focus on our faith. I want them to see how their Catholic faith was a part of history.

Outside of class, I like our faith to be visible and active. Faith is just not attending Mass on Sunday. It's how you live your life. Praying the rosary, the Angelus, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and other prayers help our faith stay a part of our lives. Trying to attend daily Mass and focusing on the liturgical year is very important. I love having the house reflect the liturgical year. Celebrating feast days, having creative foods, and preparing crafts all help kids learn about their faith. Ash Wednesday is coming up and I am already getting our decorations and devotionals ready.

For us, faith is not something you read about. 
You live it out in your daily life. 
You strive to be like Christ in our thoughts and actions. 
Homeschooling has helped us grow stronger in our faith. We have been able to learn more about our Catholic faith, the saints, and Jesus Christ. 

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