Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Homeschool Crew Review~ The Secret Bridge from Lamplighter Publishing

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When I received The Secret Bridge from Lamplighter Publishing, I was shocked by how beautiful the book was. It was a deep teal embossed leather. It reminded me of a well taken care of vintage book. It truly was a beautiful book to look at. Even better, it was a captivating story that has stood the test of time.

The Secret Bridge {Lamplighter Publishing Reviews}
Lamplighter Publishing is a charming company that focuses on building Christlike character one story at a time! Mark Hamby is the founder and president. His goal is offer families stories that are good and wholesome. The character traits, morals, and values our children are exposed to in their formative years are what will shape who they become. It's very important as parents that we provide our children with books that show positive traits...courage, strength, sacrifice, hope, faithfulness, perseverance, loyalty, and humility. The books published by Lamplighter Publishing does just that. We want our children to grow closer to God, to farther away as they get older. 

The Secret Bridge {Lamplighter Publishing Reviews}
The Secret Bridge is a story written by Amy Le Feuvre. The story was written back in 1899. Amy Le Feuvre is an English writer. She was born in London, England to a fairly wealthy household. she enjoyed writing and dedicated her life to writing stories and books. Her stories are often filled with biblical principles. 
The Secret Bridge is a story about a young girl named, Bridget. Bridget suddenly finds herself alone in a new and strange country. She is alone in London with no relatives and no money. Thankfully a kind gentleman, Godfrey Bullingham, whom she met on the boat of her long voyage, offers his assistance. Bridget at first refuses this young mans assistance. Pride and determination play a key in that I think. Bridget is a practical girl and realizes not all help is either pity or charity. Sometimes, you just need a helping hand.When she is left with no other choice, Bridget accepts the help offered by young Mr. Bullingham. She becomes his wife and whole new adventure begins.
Bridget is whisked away to the English country side to live in secret as Mr. Bullingham's wife, while he is away at sea. During her stay in the country, Bridget is befriended by two families, Mr. Bullingham's family (they have no idea who Bridget is) and a rival neighboring family.
Bridget suddenly realizes that her quite, peaceful life at the cottage is over. Secrets and promises suddenly make life difficult and complicate her life.
During her stay at the cottage, she befriends a young man, who goes around talking about the promises of Christ and the importance of having him in your life. This talk confuses Bridget at first since she has no idea on where to begin with building a relationship with Christ. Over time, Bridget slowly begins to build that bridge to reach Jesus. Once she does, there is no going back.
What Are My Thoughts About the Book?
I thought the book was extremely enjoyable. I started it as a read aloud with Therese, but she was not that interested in the story. Since she was only 11 when we read it, I think the story line was a little mature for her interest. She's not quite ready to read about a young girl marrying and having to deal with the family issues that may result from that. I just feel the content was too mature for her at this time. I know when she's a little older (maybe 14 and up) I think she would love to it. Some of the language was a little difficult for her too. She wouldn't have been able to read it alone without some help. The books does use words that I would say are for more advanced readers. Younger readers with a slight difficulty reading may find the book too hard to read.

I personally loved the story. Bridget is a strong, brave woman. You will quickly come to love her and want life to work out for her. I love how she finds love with Godfrey. His love and tenderness at such a difficult time is sweet ad charming. It reminds me of the lost art of being a true gentleman. Bridget learns to grow with the changes God throws at her. Her faith grows and she learns to trust in God and find her balance in His love. 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Be sure to stop by to see what the other crew members had to say about this beautiful book!

The Secret Bridge {Lamplighter Publishing Reviews}

Till Next Time,

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