Thursday, May 11, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~ Beartooth Scenic Byway

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After a one night stop in Red Lodge, Montana, we are now heading onto the Beartooth Scenic Highway! The Beartooth Scenic Highway is National Scenic Byway that is 68 miles long.

The road winds its way through southwest Montana, northwest Wyoming,and leads travelers right into Yellowstone National Park. 

Beartooth opened up to travelers in 1937. It has welcomed thousands of travelers eversince then. 

One thing to note is the road closes. It closes in October and remains closed until Memorial Day. It even closes during other times of the year because of snow. We were lucky enough to be able to pass through on the road.

Two days prior to our arrival the road was closed. The hotel we stayed in had a chalk board right in the lobby stating whether or not the road was open for travel. It can even close in the middle of July because of snow!

The Bear Tooth

At the top, we climbed out and played in the snow. We've never had a snowball fight in September before.

Beartooth Highway is one of the most rugged roads in the lower United States. As you travel along the road, you will drive through 20 peaks that reach over 12,000 feet high! As you wind through the terrain, you will be greeted by a variety of wild life, glacial lakes, forests, and beautiful waterfalls.

We saw a pair of wolves playing in the field.

It's COLD at the top! So we stopped at the Top of the World Store for some hot chocolate and coffee.

The scenery is absolutely breathtaking! Traveling on this road was wonderful and I highly recommend to anyone heading out west. You won't regret the journey.

We've made it to Montana!

As we came to the end of the Beartooth Highway, we stopped to eat at a small little restaurant. The food was simple and organic but very tasty after our long drive.

We're leaving the Beartooth Highway and heading into the east entrance of Yellowstone National Park!

Till Next Time,

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