Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Theodore Roosevelt from YWAM Publishing

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History Hero Biographies

A few weeks ago, we were given the opportunity to review another great book in the Heroes of History series from YWAM Publishing. We choose Heroes of History- Theodore Roosevelt An American Original. This was the perfect book to go along with our history lessons since we have been studying the early 1900's.

YWAM Publishing
YWAM Publishing is a Christian company that focuses on creating and distributing books that encourage Christian families to grow in their faith and to make a difference in the world round them. The company produces wonderful books that provide children with strong and faithful role models. The role models presented in their Christian Heroes: Then and Now and Heroes of History series are wonderful men and women our children can look up to. In today's world, that can be a difficult thing for parents and children to find. The positive role models presented in these books allow our children to see virtues, morals, and faith lived out in the daily lives of these courageous men and women. 
"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."
Heroes of History series are a wonderfully unique biography series. The books are written in an engaging narrative format. The stories bring to life the history and the world around the hero of the book. The books do a fantastic job of bringing history, geography, government, science, and faith together. They are perfect stories for living history.
YWAM Publishing

"With self-discipline most anything is possible."

For this review, we received a physical copy of the book Theodore Roosevelt An American Original. The book is recommended for children ages 10 and up, although I think children as young as seven could easily read this book. Of course, it could be done as a read aloud with the entire family too. The book is a paper back book and contains 224 pages. The regular price of the book is $9.99. It's currently on sale for $7.50. Of course, the price is subject to change. The book can also be purchased in audiobook edition, an ebook edition, a kindle edition, and a nook edition.

TR smiling in automobile

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failures....than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt An American Original is the story about the life and adventures of Teddy Roosevelt. The story starts with his early childhood and describes how he went on to overcome various health issues as a child. Asthma and a weak heart made Teddy's childhood a little challenging, but he persevered. The story then continues on with all the adventures and accomplishments he was able to achieve. 
Theodore Roosevelt has become well know for a variety of things...
a fighter against government corruption,
a courageous Rough Rider,
  a Safari adventurer,
a well-known expedition hunter and explorer of lands,
a champion for wildlife,
 a rancher in the Badlands,

one of the best known and well loved presidents of the United States. 

Mount Rushmore

"Friends I should ask you to be as quiet as possible, I don't know if you fully understand that I have been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a bull moose."

Let's just say he accomplished a lot in his lifetime. He was able to overcome a variety of challenges and make the most out of his life. He lived life to the fullest.
If you want to know more about this amazing man, you'll just have to read the book!

National Park

Teddy's Cabin
Theodore Roosevelt National Park

During our cross country trip this past fall, we were lucky enough to see many of the areas Theodore visited.  At the Theodore Roosevelt national Park (the least visited National Park) we went into a cabin he lived in and learned how his trip out west started his passion for wildlife preservation. While reading the book, we were able to picture some of the places. It was amazing to see how the kids put the pieces together. 

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."

To go along with the book, YWAM Publishing offers a Study Guide for Theodore Roosevelt. The study guide offers suggestions for a fantastic unit study to do while reading the book. The guide offers questions for each chapter to help students dig a little deeper. The guide offers ideas for reading comprehension, history, geography and map work, writing (essay & creative), oral presentations, drama, and art. It offers suggestions for students to explore more related topics...for examples learn about the buffalo since Teddy went out west. They even offer suggestions for reports and presentations. These are great for independent projects for the students to complete and present.

What Did We Think of Theodore Roosevelt An American Original?

We have been enjoying this book. This is our third book we have reviewed for YWAM Publishing. We always enjoy reading the books together and learning about these great men and women from history. Check out our reviews from the last few years Abraham Lincoln and Davy Crockett. We have been reading anf working on the unit study over the past few weeks. Both the book and the study guide have been an added bonus to our history studies. You could easily create a history course for the entire year by using these books. Your kids would love it! They'd have fun and learn a few things along the way. Actually they'd learn a ton of stuff along the way!

Want to hear about other great books from YWAM Publishing?

Christian & History Heroes {YWAM Publishing Reviews}
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Till Next Time,

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