Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity

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I am thrilled to share with all of you a wonderful new homeschool parent resource called Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity. Homeschool Rescue is an online course for homeschool parents! Even as adults it's always good to learn new things. Whether you are a newbie or a veteran in the homeschool world, this course will provide you with a variety of resources and ideas to help your homeschool journey.

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue
So What is Homeschool Rescue?

Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity is an online course for homeschool parents. The program is geared specifically for homeschooling mothers, but I'm sure dads could learn a thing or two from the course. The course is geared for that homeschooling mom that is feeling a little inadequate or overwhelmed in their homeschooling journey. Maybe she's just hit that winter slump? You know the one! The school year is dragging on, it's cold outside, no one wants to do their work, or things have just gotten out of control.
The course was designed to offer encouragement to these struggling moms. 
Who doesn't need to hear a kind or uplifting word every now and then.
Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

Homeschool Rescue is an online course to help homeschooling families succeed in their journey. 
The course offers videos (about 20 minutes long), transcripts, audio downloads, homework & workbooks, and plenty of resources and links for further study. Right now, the total video time is 5 hours and 28 minutes. I'm assuming this will change as more lessons are added.

The course is broken up into Modules. 
There are currently 5 Modules. More are coming soon. The Modules are broken up further into lessons. Each module has at least 3 to 5 lessons.
Each module deals with a specific topic. 
Here is a simple summary of some of the topics discussed.

Module 1
Figuring out your child's learning style 
Your homeschooling style
Your goals for your homeschooling journey

Module 2
Schedules & Routines
Homeschooling multiple children
Organization (this is a great topic)

Module 3
Yearly planning 

Module 4
Reward system

Module 5
Teaching the older students
Time management for older students
Study skills for older students

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

I've only listed a few of the topics covered. I couldn't possibly have that much time to go into detail about them all. I can guarantee that the course offers something for every homeschooling mama.
A 60 day course schedule is available for download. The schedule has all the lessons and assignments planned out for an easy to follow plan. Just follow along, and check off the lessons as you complete them. Of course, the schedule is only a suggestion. Homeschooling moms can choose to work through the course at their own pace. You can take all the time you need. Just like our children's education it's not a race to the finish end. It's the journey that's important. 

In addition to the lessons, Homeschool Rescue offers mamas a few bonuses. Members can print out a planner to use. There are to-do lists available to print for the kids and an academic planner for teens. Members also get access to a members-only Facebook group. Even better members will be able to receive personalized email support. The course cost $97 and members will have lifetime access. For a slightly higher fee, members can chose to become a VIP member. With the VIP option, members will receive one-on-one coaching and support. This option would be perfect for the new homeschooler or that mom that is really struggling.

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

So What Did I Think of Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity?

I actually have enjoyed the course so far. As a veteran homeschooler, I really wasn't sure if there would be that much information I could take away from the course. I was wrong. I enjoyed the lessons on scheduling and organizing. I honestly believe that is where I struggle the most. I tend to over schedule and be completely unorganized. It was great to hear some new ideas and get some advice on how to be better prepared. I'm looking forward to the lessons on homeschooling teens!

I did have a problem with the videos freezing for me.....that pesky internet. I would get a few minutes into the video and then it would stop loading. I ended up giving up on watching the videos and just downloaded the transcripts to read. I actually preferred to do the course this way. I think the transcripts would perfect for making a book for parents to read, especially if the access to internet is limited! So maybe look for a book in the future!

Want to learn more about the online course Homeschool Rescue?

Check out Heather's Social Media pages!

stop by and read the some more crew reviews!

Homeschool Rescue {Only Passionate Curiosity Reviews}

Till Next Time,

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