Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Homeschool Crew Review~Entire Level 2 from ArtAchieve

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We love art! If you've been reader of mine for awhile now, you probably already know that though. Today I get to share more information about a wonderful homeschool art curriculum called ArtAchieve. This time I get to talk all about Entire Level II
Last year, we reviewed Entire Level I and loved it.
ArtAchieve is a online art curriculum for students of all ages. ArtAchieve art lessons make it easy for anyone to teach drawing and painting, even those of you out there that think they have no artistic talent whatsoever. 
The lessons are broken up into different levels.
Level I (ages 5 and up)
Level II (ages 7 and up)
Level III (ages 9 and up)
Level IV (10 and up)
The age guidelines are just a recommendation. Students with no previous art background can start with Level I. ArtAchieve does offer a few of their lessons for free, so you can give them a try to see where you should start. Last year, we did Entire Level I and my children were 11 and 12. They enjoyed working on the art projects and certainly didn't find them too easy. Obviously of you child has an artistic ability starting at a higher level would make sense.
For this review, we received an online subscription for Level II for the entire year. A Level II online subscription for the year is $56.78. This is 25% savings. If you only a want to purchase a few of the lesson, you can do that too. Each individual lessons costs between $5 and $6.
Level II has 15 lessons. 
Lesson 1~ The Swedish Dala Horse
Lesson 2~ The Korean Wedding Duck
Lesson 3~ The Japanese Goldfish
Lesson 4~ The Elephant from Ghana
Lesson 5~ The Ukrainian Cat
Lesson 6~ The German Nutcracker (perfect for a December art project)
Lesson 7~ The Sri Lankan Landscape with an Elephant
Lesson 8~ Repeating a Pattern to Create Original Art
Lesson 9~ The Ukrainian Rooster
Lesson 10~ Hiding Butterflies
Lesson 11~ The Mexican Mask 
(great for learning about the Mexican holiday Day of the Dead or an Halloween art project)
Lesson 12~ Color Value and Analogous Colors
Lesson 13~ The Polish Szopka (Saint Pope John Paul II's feast day art project)
Lesson 14~ The Mermaid from Denmark (art project for Little Mermaid fans)
Lesson 15~ The Hawaiian Dog (art project for Moana fans)
If you are looking for a year long art class, you could easily do Level I and Level II. During your first semester you could work through Level I and then move on to Level II in your second semester.
Another option is to use all the additional resources the ArtAchieve lessons provide. Students are not just learning about art. You can take all the information offered and create a wonderful unit study for each lesson. ArtAchieve lessons introduce students to art from around the world. The lessons also provide links to related topics in social studies, science, and language arts. 

So for example, Lesson 1 is the Swedish Dala Horse. 
Students can learn how to draw the Swedish horse, but can also learn all about the Sweden, Norway, and Finland. They can learn the history of the Dala horse and its meaning. Links to Swedish stories and music are included to expose students to a different culture. You can add science to the study by learning about the Swedish horse breeds. You could easily spend 2 weeks on each art lesson.
So What Did We Create?

Here a few of the projects we worked on.....

Pictures coming soon! I've lost my camera battery so I can't charge it and I've misplaced the memory card I took a few pictures earlier on.
If you could say a quick prayer we find both that would be great!

The Dala Horse
This was Therese's pick, since she really wants a horse.

The Japanese Goldfish
Michael picked this one since he loves fish. He got a Beta fish for his birthday last year.

The Ukrainian Rooster
We had to do the rooster!

What Do We Think of ArtAchieve?

We LOVE it, but you already know that. The lessons are fairly easy for students of all levels to complete. As an art teacher, I always want my students to feel encourage when they create a piece of artwork. I never want them to walk away feeling discouraged or upset with their skills. The nice thing about ArtAchieve students of all ages can create and work on the same projects. Younger students or students with less artistic abilities can still accomplish these projects. Older students or students with more experience can go a little further and more details and depth into their works or art. This a great program to teach children of various ages and abilities. Perfect for large families or co-ops!
Try a FREE LESSON today!
Check out the other Levels!
Art Lessons Inspired From Around the World {ArtAchieve Reviews}
Till Next Time,
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