Monday, November 6, 2017

CCD Week 4~ The Holy Rosary

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Our saint for the week is Saint Hyacinth. The children colored in a picture of Saint Hyacinth. 

We read a short summary about his life. The kids were amazed with how brave he was. Saint Hyacinth saved a statue of Mary and the Holy Eucharist when he hide them from robbers that came to his church to steal them. They were shocked that he could carry the full size statue of Mary. We asked the children how could St. Hyacinth do that if he was an older gentleman. They immediately responded with help from God. We talked about the Holy Eucharist (the Blessed Sacrament). We asked them if them knew were the Holy Eucharist was kept in the church. They knew Jesus was in the special box on the altar. We told them that they special box is called the Tabernacle. 

Our virtue for this week was Reverence. We asked the children how they can show reverence to God while in church and outside of church.  Again, the children had wonderful answers.

  • Don't talk during Mass
  • Pray quietly in church
  • Listen well during Mass
  • Participate during Mass
  • Don't run in church
  • Don't use a loud voice in church
  • Treat people how Jesus treated people
  • Pray and read the bible
  • Don't say God's name when angry

This week in class we learned all about the Rosary. I gave the children a coloring page that would help them learn how to say the rosary. We prayed one decade of the rosary together as a class.
We read The Holy Rosary.

We learned about this special devotion. We talked about the different prayers we pray while praying the Rosary and we talked about the different mysteries. I found this page that shows all the mysteries and the days you say them. I didn't use this with my kids but here is a wonderful Rosary booklet that can be purchased and printed out to teach the different mysteries of the rosary.

We made a rosary craft I found online at Real Life at Home. It's a simple craft kids can make. All you will need are some pony beads and pipe cleaners!

Till Next Time,

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