Monday, November 13, 2017

CCD Week 5~ Formation of Christian Chasity

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Our saint for this week was Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary since the fast day was October 7th. It went along great with our review of last week's class about the rosary.

We colored a beautiful picture of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.  The children immediately recognized the picture from our rosary wall. We have some very observant children in our class this year. 
Our virtue was purity. I explained that purity is keeping our soul free of sin and bad things. 

This week our lesson was our diocese's Formation of Christian Chasity program. In first grade this means talking about creation and how God made us in His image. We also talk about how we should respect and take take our world and ourselves. 

For this lesson, I always read the story of creation to the kids. We used 

We played a fun game of Who Made It? God or Man. I found the game online at That Resource Site and every year the kids have fun playing it. I taped the pictures up on the wall and the children roam around deciding whether God or Man created what is in the picture. Examples of pictures are butterflies, waterfalls, bridges, bells, statues, etc. This game is great for getting the children to think and it gets them up and moving.

The kids made a craft to remind them that we are all made in the image of God.  You can find it here.

Another fun craft to complete would be a Days of Creation Wheel. I found this one to use, but we ran out of time this year. 

And before we knew it class was over! Time sure does fly when you have 16 happy, eager little learners!

Till Next Time,

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