Monday, November 27, 2017

CCD Week 7~ The Story of Baby Moses

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Today, we get to dig into the Old Testament with the story of Baby Moses.

First up though our saint and virtue of the week.

Our saint is a popular one.....Saint Francis of Assisi. 
We read a a short story about Saint Francis. We even talked about the the story of Saint Francis and the wolf. The children colored in their coloring page of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Here are some great story books about Saint Francis that can be read to the class.


Our virtue for the week is Gratitude. 
Gratitude is being thankful for all we have been given. We had a young gentleman whose birthday was that day. I asked what he would do if his grandparents gave him a present. He immediately said I would say thank you! I then asked the class what would you do if you received a gift you didn't like. Would you tell the person and give it back or would you say thank you. They all said they would say thank you. They were quick to point out that if you didn't you might hurt the person's feelings. As one sweet child stated..."it's the thought that counts." I truly love the innocence of young children. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all stay that way and never lose our love for everyone. 

We added our saint's picture and our virtue to our board. Of course we reviewed the previous weeks saint and virtue. We had a very sweet little girl remember all about Saint Elizabeth. She's usually a rambunctious one, so I sometimes think she's not listening. She obviously is and I am so pleased to see her growing in her faith. She really is a precious little girl.

So onto our lesson for the week...the story of Baby Moses. After a quick (or not so quick bathroom break) we sat down on the floor maps for a story all about Baby Moses. 

We read The Story of Baby Moses from the Alice in Bibleland Storybooks. I love these books for the class. They are short, filled with all the information, and rhyme so they keep the children's attention.

After our our story time, we had a fun game of find Baby Moses. I took a small Barbie baby and hid him in the room. The children were grouped into groups of twos and then proceeded to search for him. One team would be the lucky group to find him just like the Pharaoh's daughter! This took a lot longer than I thought it would. After 10 minutes of searching, we finally had a team spot Baby Moses. They were thrilled to be the ones who found him. 

I had a very cute Baby Moses craft planned to do with the kids, but we ran out of time. Running out of time seems to be a persistent theme for us this year. 

This is the craft that I had planned to do with the kids. I found this other craft afterwards and think this is super cute too. I may do this one next year with a few modifications.

Till Next Time,

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